A,  Araucanian,  Deities,  Mapuche


Antu is a deity from Mapuche and Araucanian mythology representing the sun, light, wisdom, and spirits. He is seen as the principle Pillan spirit and the total opposite of darkness and the physical world. He has a son who became a monstrous snake called Trentren Vilu, and is married to Kuyén who represents the moon. Eclipses have been called Lay-Antu and Lay Cujen, meaning death of the sun and death of the moon respectively. He is seen as the enemy to Peripillán, and it’s thought he rested in the mountain of Piri Pillén.


Cruz, Eduardo Agustin. The Grand Araucanian Wars (1541–1883) in the Kingdom of Chile. United Kingdom, Xlibris US, 2010.

Hughes, Tamsin. World Mythology: From Indigenous Tales to Classical Legends. United Kingdom, Arcturus Publishing, 2020.

Moon, Jenny. Folk Tales of Rock and Stone. United Kingdom, History Press, 2019.