B,  Familiar,  Malaysia,  Vampires


The Bajang is a vampiric creature from Malaysia. It can be summoned by a sorcerer using the body of a stillborn baby taken from their family. Some claim it to be the male counterpart to a creature called the Langsuir. They can sometimes be bound as a Familiar and contained in a container known as a Tabong, sealed with leaves and a magical charm. If not fed milk and eggs by its owner, it will seek children to consume. It can take the shape of a cat, polecat, or large lizard. If it takes the form of a cat and meows like a baby then that baby is destined to die. They may inflict a mysterious disease on their victims. There is no known method to kill a Bajang, but they can be warded off with certain charms and attacking its controlling sorcerer may stop it.


Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016.