C,  Lumberjack Folklore,  Texas,  The United States

Club-Tailed Glyptodont/Clubtailed Glyptodont

The Club-Tailed Glyptodont is a strange creature from Lumberjack Folklore. Often found in Texas, they can be seen throwing large boulders up mountains to watch them roll back down. They have large flat tails made of a substance similar to a bull’s horns, but their tails are also incredibly springy. They use their tails to pick up the boulders they throw, to bounce through the air, and to cushion even the highest falls. When throwing a boulder into the air they stand on their back legs, spin around, and hit the boulder with their tail to launch it.


Bratcher, James T.. Analytical Index to Publications of the Texas Folklore Society, Volumes 1-36. United States, Southern Methodist University Press, 1973.

Matthews, John, and Matthews, Caitlin. The Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures: The Ultimate A-Z of Fantastic Beings from Myth and Magic. United Kingdom, Harper Element, 2009.

Rose, Carol. Giants Monsters and Dragons: An Encyclopedia Of Folklore Legend And Myth. United Kingdom, WW Norton, 2001.

​​A Treasury of American Folklore: Stories, Ballads, and Traditions of the People. United States, Garden city books, 1951.

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