Devil’s Swamp Aliens
The Devil’s Swamp Aliens were sighted in Devil’s Swamp Louisiana on June 8, 2000, at 6:30 a.m. The witness was a 41 year old man named Roger Mixon. He was hunting and came across a dark purple object, presumably a ship, the size of an eighteen-wheeler shaped like a bat wing. This bizarre spaceship had a drawbridge-like door coming from it. Three creatures were trying to catch an alligator nearby. They seemed to be wearing golden crowns and had human faces, lion teeth, long hair, four wings, scorpion tails, and chest armor resembling cast iron. The witness fired at these creatures with a shotgun and hit one in the chest. It fell over and quickly got back up. It then returned fire with some device dangling from its waist, which fired a beam of light hitting the witness on the wrist. The strike left a scar and largely disabled that arm. The witness fired again and all the aliens flew into the air and back to their ship. The door closed and the ship took off at high speeds.
Rosales, Albert S. Humanoid Encounters 2000-2009: The Others Amongst Us. N.p., Amazon Digital Services LLC – Kdp, 2021.