Jackalope/Antelabbit/Aunt Benny/Horny Bunny/Jack-A-Lope/Jack-Pine Jackalope/Stag Bunny
Jackalopes are from the Southwestern region of the United States. They are thought to resemble jack rabbits with either deer antlers or antelope horns in proportion to their bodies. They ar extremely shy, but will fight ferociously if they or their families are threatened. They are thought to be capable of running over sixty-five miles per hour. While running at high speeds, they are incredibly dangerous as they can gore people to death. When in this state of anger, the Jackalope can only be killed with a buffalo gun. They are thought to only mate during flashes of lightning. Jackalope milk is supposedly capable of curing any number of ailments.
– In Nebraska and South Dakota, they are believed to have wings and tails like pheasants.
-Sometimes they’re capable of imitating human voices, and sing in a French accent. They’re also extra vocal during thunderstorms.
Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016.