Aliens,  Chile,  I

Mt. Incahuasi Aliens

The Mt. Incahuasi Aliens were sighted near Mt. Incahuasi, Chile June 1967 at night. The main witness was a man named Manuel Munoz Carvajal, a chauffeur with some passengers, who was driving down the mountain when a ball of fire flew by his car. They passed under a disk-shaped object resembling a walnut with lights bright enough to hurt the witness’s eyes, and antennas. A loud noise was heard and the object followed the car for some time. Later the witness underwent hypnosis and recalled exiting his car, approaching the ship, and falling into a dream-like state. He remembers returning to the car and seeing two humanoid figures moving around it. The creatures were short and had large heads, large protruding eyes, round faces, pointed dog-like ears, and green skin. They had broad chests, narrow waists, and kneeless legs. They wore skin-tight clothes and one seemed to be the leader. The witness felt a telepathic communication and returned the next day to see the same creatures in the same place.


Rosales, Albert. Humanoid Encounters 1965-1969: The Others Amongst Us. N.p., CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.

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