Japan,  K,  Yokai


The Kejōrō is a form of Yokai from Japan whose name means “hairy prostitute.” They live in brothels and red-light districts and target young men. They appear as women with their heads and bodies concealed by long black hair. Typically only the hair on their head grows unnaturally long, but sometimes they are entirely covered in hair. It is unclear whether they have normal human faces under their hair, deformed monstrous forms, or no face at all. Men approach them from behind and while they stand in shock when she reveals their monstrous appearance, the Kejōrō wraps him in her hair and slices him to pieces. They may sometimes cut a piece of their hair and send it to those they love, human or Yokai, and they may tattoo the name of their love into their skin. Sometimes other Yokai fight each other for the attention of the Kejōrō.


Meyer, Matthew. The Hour of Meeting Evil Spirits: An Encyclopedia of Mononoke and Magic. United States, Matthew Meyer, 2015.

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