Cryptids,  G,  Georgia(state),  Hairy Hominids,  K

Kinchafoonee Creep/Grey Ghost Of Kinchafoonee

As this creature was only sighted once and wasn’t popularized, I have been unable to find a definite name but the names “Kinchafoonee Creep” and “Grey Ghost Of Kinchafoonee” have been used. This creature was sighted in July of 1955, by a 22 year old man by the name of Joseph Whaley. He was working in the Forestry Commission, clearing brush that was obscuring highway signs with a scythe near Kinchafoonee Creek. He heard a strange noise coming from a thicket and walked to the edge of the woods to investigate. He heard the bushes rattling and went to look in them. Suddenly a large animal emerged, which he described as something similar to a gorilla but built somewhat like a man. It stood over six feet tall and was covered in shaggy grey hair which Whaley compared to a wire-haired terrier. It had heavy arms, though without notably large hands. It had tusk-like teeth and pointed ears. The creature moved towards Whaley while grunting like a wild pig. Whaley struck at the creature with his scythe, hitting it in the arms and chest. The creature continued moving forward however, so Whaley ran back to his car. He tried to contact the local ranger station for help by tadio, but got no answer, and then when he tried to start his car, he realized the creature had reached him. The creature attacked him and left tears in his shirt and gouges in his chest, shoulders, and arms. Whaley crawled out the other side of the car and ran into the woods, to which the creature followed with a slow lumbering gait. He doubled back to the car and drove off. After escaping, he contacted a Forest Ranger named Jim Bowen, who was his superior, and explained the details of the encounter under oath. Bowen went to the location and saw an obvious trail of something large. Other officials however wrote of the incident as a black bear.


Childress, David. BIGFOOT NATION: The History of Sasquatch in North America. N.p., Adventures Unlimited Press, 2018.

Miles, Jim. Haunted South Georgia. United States, Haunted America, 2017.

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