England,  Fae,  Ghosts,  K


The Knockers are a helpful form of Fae from Cornwall. They are believed to work alongside miners to help them find lost things and lead them to veins of ore. They tap against the walls to lead people to these veins. They are typically helpful but can be dangerous if annoyed. Knockers can be angered if someone whistles or swears, and they throw rocks until these offender apologizes. While most believe Knockers to be a form of Fae, there are other possible origins.

– Some beliefs suggest that they are the spirits of Jewish people made to work in mines.

– Some suggest they are the spirits of those who crucified Jesus. This fate serves as punishment until judgment day.

– Some think they are the spirits of deceased miners.


Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.

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