Hawaii,  K


Kuohu was a handsome man married to a woman named Hina in Hawaiian myth. After he died, she promised to always take care of his grave. Many years later though, she grew tired of going to the grave and instead carried his remains on her back in a large basket. When the king discovered this, it was ordered that she be executed, for digging up the corpse and carrying it on sacred ground. Her executioners chased her down, but felt pity on her. She agreed to leave for another island and throw the basket into the sea. She cast the basket in the water, and afterwards a large turtle followed her canoe. This was Kuohu. It is now believed that if a turtle is following you, that it may be Kuohu looking for his wife.


Smith, Walter J.. Legends of Wailua. United States, Printing Services Corporation, 1955.

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