Aliens,  N,  Oregon

The Newport Multiplying Aliens

The Newport Multiplying Aliens were sighted in Newport Oregon August 22, 2015, at 2:00 AM. The witnesses were a husband and wife who were sitting on the balcony of their 4th-floor hotel room. They saw what appeared to be a shooting star and after a moment they saw it was a white disk. It changed angles and flew parallel to the ocean and then slowed and made a boomerang-like maneuver. It was directly in front of their hotel room and three feet above the ocean. It moved back and forth a few feet and faded in and out of view multiple times. Just below the ship emerged three glowing beings with white faces. They were easy to see even in the dark and after a few minutes passed the disc disappeared and only the beings remained. It was difficult to judge their size due to distance but their bodies were clearly defined. They remained in formation and moved around in the sand and then multiplied going from three to six, to eight, to ten in total. The husband went to investigate as the wife continued watching the situation. The beings shrunk which both noted. He approached and saw what appeared to be ten large birds. He walked up close to them and they didn’t leave, he then shooed them away and they flew off.


Rosales, Albert S.. Humanoid Encounters 2010-2015: The Others Amongst Us. United States, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.

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