Aliens,  N


The Nordics are a form of alien more commonly sighted than many other forms of alien. They resemble pale and thin humans described as beautiful figures with blue eyes and long blond hair. They can supposedly live over 1000 years. They communicate telepathically. Some claim they’ve imparted knowledge of proper diet and prolonged life. Some have suggested the description, resembling the idea of the Aryan race, and their nature, that of near perfection, implies a level of racial bias. They were first described in Arizona in1952 by George Adamski. He sighted a silver UFO shaped like a cigar, which several other people also attested to seeing. He encountered an alien who telepathically introduced himself as Orthon of Venus. This alien wore a loose turtleneck-like garment that was tight around the wrists and ankles, and a belt. He stated that his mission was peaceful and benevolent, and also stated he shared Adamski’s beliefs of Theosophy. He refused to be photographed and gave warnings about the dangers of atom bombs and nuclear war. Adamski went on to say he encountered more Nordics and was even taken to the dark side of the moon and to Venus. He also said that all planets, and that part of the moon, has a breathable atmosphere. One scientific argument that pokes holes in this story is that due to the intense atmosphere of Venus, a hypothetical inhabitant thereof would have an incredibly different biology to humans and would likely be incapable of surviving in the atmosphere of Earth. Accounts from Eduard “Billy” Meier in the 1970s say they have “beam ships” that he had photographed. Meier also claimed they were the origin of Angels from the bible. According to him they come from a planet smaller than Earth called Erra from the Pleiades and are therefore called Plejarens. He says he traveled with them and visited other galaxies and universes, and also back in time to take a photo of dinosaurs. There’s also a man named Howard Menger who claimed to have married a Nordic.


Callahan, Timothy D., and Prothero, Donald R.. UFOs, Chemtrails, and Aliens: What Science Says. United States, Indiana University Press, 2017.

Rutkowski, Chris A.. Alien Abductions and UFO Sightings 5-Book Bundle: The Big Book of UFOs / I Saw It Too! / Abductions and Aliens / and 2 More. United States, Dundurn Press, 2016.

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