Aliens,  P,  Pennsylvania

Polaski Aliens

The Polaski Aliens were strange alien beings sighted in Greensburg Pennsylvania in 1973. They were seen by a farmer who sighted a bright red ufo hovering over his field. He went to investigate with his two children, when the light flew low and they got out of their car. The UFO then flew towards them and it was noted to have sounded like a lawnmower. While the witnesses were watching the UFO, one of the children saw two bear-like, seven foot tall creatures with dark hair and yellowish green eyes standing behind a nearby fence. They smelled like burning rubber and made a noise like a whining baby. These figures started approaching and the adult witness grew concerned and shot near them and when these figures continued approaching, he shot one in the chest three times. After this it only vaguely reacted and they wandered off into the woods while the ship went dark. The area where the ship hovered, glowed white for a time and animals refused to approach it. After the incident the witness became erratic for a bit, and claimed he saw a man in a black hat and cloak wielding a sickle in his field.


Birnes, William J., and Spignesi, Stephen. The Big Book of UFO Facts, Figures & Truth: A Comprehensive Examination. United States, Skyhorse Publishing, 2019.

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