Aliens,  V,  Venezuela

Venezuelan Hairy Dwarves

The Venezuelan Hairy Dwarves were Aliens sighted in Venezuela in 1954. Sightings started after Midnight on November 28. The first witnesses were José Ponce and Gustavo Gonzalez. They were driving on a road in Caracas Venezuela when the road lit up with a bright ball of light three feet in circumference. They slowed and approached the light, and it swayed like a boat bobbing on the water. Ponce stayed in the car and Gonzalez exited the vehicle and approached the craft. He was hit and thrown through the air by an unseen force. The attack came from a hairy humanoid with the build of a man standing three feet tall. Gonzalez tried to stab it, but the knife bounced off harmlessly. Another hairy creature emerged and blinded Gonzalez with a bright flashlight. Ponce then left the car to help Gonzalez, and two more creatures emerged wielding large rocks. While these actions seem aggressive, they may have been a last-minute attempt at self-defense. The creatures then lunged at the ship and vanished into it despite the size being comparable. The witnesses went to the police and Gonzalez was examined and had a large gash where the creature struck. Next, on December 12 two hunters named Jesus Gomez and Lorenzo Flores had another encounter. They were in the woods and encountered a UFO resembling two wash basins on top of one another. Four creatures emerged from the ship and tried to drag Gomez back to the ship. Flores struck the creatures with his unloaded shotgun, and it shattered on impact as if they were heavily armored. They managed to fight them away and escaped in the ship which then flew away. Gomez had deep gashes and torn clothes. Next on December 18, Jesus Paz encountered this in the San Carlos del Zulia area. He was riding in a car and stopped to pee, and went to do so in some bushes. A few minutes later his friends heard screams and found Paz scratched and unconscious with an alien retreating to its UFO that then flew away. No lasting damage occurred in any of the encounters.


Redfern, Nick. The Alien Book: A Guide To Extraterrestrial Beings On Earth. United States, Visible Ink Press, 2019.

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