Aliens,  England,  W

Wiltshire Alien Worm

The Wiltshire Alien Worm was reported to Malcom Lees, who was enlisted in the 50s and 60s with the British Royal Air Force working in intelligence gathering. He received a call in 1962 of a UFO that had been sighted near the standing stones in Wiltshire. The witness was a middle-aged woman who liked to walk around the standing stones. One night at 10:30 she saw a small ball of light about 2 feet in diameter flying around. The light approached while hovering 12 feet in the air. The ball dropped 15 feet from her dripping some sort of liquid metal and then exploded in a white flash. She was blinded and fell to her knees. When she opened her eyes, the light was gone and there was a large worm in front of her. The creature was 5 feet long, 8-9 inches thick, and had milky white skin. She stood up and the creature suddenly turned to face her and opened its two bulging eyes. It moved unsteadily towards her like a caterpillar and she screamed and ran away. Later investigation around the stones revealed a 3-foot-long trail of slime similar to a snail.


Redfern, Nick. The Alien Book: A Guide To Extraterrestrial Beings On Earth. United States, Visible Ink Press, 2019.

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