Mozheyko Alien Sighting
The Mozheyko Alien Sighting occurred in Hoyniki, Belarus, in the Summer of 1949 at 2 p.m. The witness to this was a man named M. Mozheyko when he was visiting family for the holidays. He was walking through a wooded area when he noticed a huge shadow pass overhead. A large sphere, roughly 15-20 meters high and 10-12 meters in diameter, descended into a clearing in front of the witness. On the underside was something like a steering wheel and something like a grey canvas bag that was 3 meters in diameter. A creature came out of the bag resembling a cross-tie, made of wood, and shimmering in the sunlight. The witness approached and another alien emerged resembling a yellow disk that was two fingers thick and resembled a bike chamber that hung in the air and rotated horizontally. It did not let him approach further and more Cross-Ties approached. These beings were 2 meters high, had smooth sides and furrows at the top, and a white ball the size of a goose egg on top. This white ball would change in size and color. Yellow and pink beams of light were associated with hot wind, while blue ones felt like a cold breeze. One of the Cross-Tie Aliens had a 4-5 cm thick cable connecting to its back leading to a pencil sized object that was moving around. Its white sphere changed color as well and emitted red and green beams of light into a nearby bog. Another cross tie alien could be seen inside the craft through the ships color changing shell. The three Cross-Ties finished what they were doing and were sucked back into the bag. The sphere became pointed at the top and shot into the air, causing pain in the witness’s ears.
Citations: Rosales, Albert. Humanoid Encounters 1930-1949: The Others Amongst Us. N.p., CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.