Haiti,  Undead,  Vodun,  Voodoo,  Z


Zombies are supernatural creatures from the myths of Haitian Voodoo, and the African Vodun religion. Corpses are turned into Zombies by mystic people called Houngans or Mambos. They use powerful magic or herbal chemistry to call the power of Loa who can raise the dead. Modern scientists believe the Zombie is a living human whose mind has been altered by herbs or chemicals. By affecting the consciousness, the person can become highly suggestible and numb to pain. Zombies are often created by dark magic users called Bokor who instruct them to work. These Zombies are immune to injury, pain, and extreme temperatures. These creatures have no conscious will, being in full service to their creators. While incredibly strong, Zombies can be contained in stone rooms chained shut since they can’t break through stone or iron. If a zombie is found  sleeping, pouring salt in its mouth and sewing it shut will undo its reanimation. Fire can also be utilized to stop a Zombie, but only if the body is completely destroyed.


    Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings that Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.

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