A,  Aliens,  Spain

Alameda Whirlwind Alien

The Alameda Whirlwind Alien is a creature sighted in Alameda, Spain in July 1948. A 17-year-old named Lucas Pozo was guarding his family’s watermelons when a whirlwind suddenly appeared in the middle of the patch. The wind covered everything in dust as the witness investigated further, finding a metallic bowl-shaped object. A figure emerged from the object resembling a short figure with long dangling arms, small fingers, and short legs. It had beady black eyes and hair that seemed to be glued on which was slicked back. It wore mustard-colored coveralls and moved in a coordinated manner. The witness panicked and ran away immediately.


    Rosales, Albert. Humanoid Encounters 1930-1949: The Others Amongst Us. N.p., CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.

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