Arica Monster
The Arica Monster is a creature sighted multiple times in Chile. In one instance, it was sighted in Pampa Acha, Iquique Province, Chile. July 29, 2004 at 9:40 p.m. The witness was an army recruiter named Dario Riquelme along with a man named Hernan Cuevas and his wife, son, and daughter. They were approaching an area called Presencias Tutelares when Riquelme stopped after seeing a humanoid creature crossing the street, and another close behind it. He described them as humanoids resembling bipedal dinosaurs with muscular thighs. They were grey and had no hair, estimated the be two meters in height. The second was smaller and obscured. They crossed the road quickly taking leaps and bounds. The witnesses paused to compose themselves and then continued driving to the Arica area. This encounter was recorded in UFO documentation, but it is most often considered a cryptid.
Rosales, Albert S. Humanoid Encounters 2000-2009: The Others Amongst Us. N.p., Amazon Digital Services LLC – Kdp, 2021.