The Vodnik is a creature from Slavic mythology. They are sometimes thought to be the ghost of a drowned child and they may take the form of a living child to lure other children in to meet the same fate. When the child approaches the deep or rapidly moving water, the Vodnik holds them down and drowns them. They may also take the form of a fish, a fish/human hybrid, a coin in the water, a floating log, a large fish, a fiery-eyed monster, a human-faced seal, a giant frog, or an old man with green hair and beard. They lurk at the bottom of bodies of water and drag…
The Vlkodlak is from Serbian legend. They starts out as werewolves, being humans who could turn into wolves without any additional supernatural abilities. After they die as werewolves, they rise from the grave as a Vlkodlak. They resembles a drunk person with skin flushed red like blood. They exist in this form for seven years and drain the blood of the living. After these seven years, they become normal humans, which will turn into a Vlkodlak again upon its death. A Vlkodlak can also be created if someone sees a werewolf and survives, which guarantees they become this after death. They can also be created by eating sheep that has…
The Vjestitiza is a vampiric witch from Slavic myth in Montenegro and Serbia. They appear as old women, but may take the form of a blue ball of light. They can be recognized by facial hair, sharp teeth, and prominent bones. They use magic with a wand and may grow bat wings after becoming Vjestitiza. They prey on children and cannot attack the elderly. They can shape shift into various animals such as hens, flies, and black moths. They often hunt alone and may form covens. They drink blood and may rip out their victims hearts. After taking the heart and liver from a victim, they can schedule when and…
The Vilkacis are from Latvian mythology. Its name means “wolf eyes.” They are created when someone speaks against God publicly. When this person sleeps the darker part of them separates into the Vilkacis. In this form they spread disease and kill others. They can be killed as easily as a regular wolf but are significantly smarter. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.
The Versipellis are an old form of werewolf or wolf man. The name comes from Latin meaning “skin changer” or “turn coat.” They aren’t seen as inherently evil, and their lycanthropy is simply considered to be a condition. They were judged solely on whether or not they prey on humans. Oftentimes they were described as werewolves who grow fur on the inside of their skin and flip it inside out when they transform. Citations: Ananikian, Mardiros Harootioon, and Werner, Alice. Armenian [mythology]. United States, Archaeological Institute of America : Marshall Jones Company, 1925. Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers,…
Vermillion Bird/Zhūquè/Suzaku/Meng Chang Phoenix/Su-Zaku/Ling Kuang
The Vermillion Bird is a creature that was initially a Chinese symbol and was later adapted into Japanese myth. It is one of the Shijin along with the White Tiger, Azure Dragon, and the Black Tortoise. It’s associated with the South, the color red, fire, and summer. It was thought to represent heat, passion, and love, and was also often connected to the Ogura-No-Ike pond. It resembles a large bird with big wings and a long tail, covered in bright red and orange feathers, and these features typically lead to this creature being related to, and confused with, the Phoenix. It has the associated mansions (these being associated with the…
The Veo is a cryptid from Rintja Island between Flores and Komodo in Indonesia. It has been sighted by natives and is described as the size of a horse, at least 10 feet long. It has a long head, scaly back and flanks, fur underneath, and large claws. It’s thought to make a cry like “hoo hoo hoo” at sundown. It eats ants, termites, and beached shellfish. If threatened it goes on its back legs and strikes with front claws, but is normally docile. Reports from natives gathered by traveler Pierre Pfeiffer. They live in hills and mountains during the day and go to mangroves at night. Descriptions match that…
Ventura Quilled Alien
The Ventura Quilled Alien was sighted near Ventura California in October of 1996. It was sighted at night and encountered along with a green fireball flying from Mexico to Ventura. The creature was described as a four-foot-tall humanoid with an egg-shaped head, small nose, small circular mouth, thin fangs, multifaceted eyes reflecting red, a body covered in short hair with hyena-like spots and a grey coloration. It had porcupine quills from the head to the back and rabbit or kangaroo-like legs. It could easily outrun dogs, leap over a three-and-a-half-foot chicken wire fence, and a five-foot hedge. It left three toed tracks and was encountered near the San Andreas fault…
Venezuelan Hairy Dwarves
The Venezuelan Hairy Dwarves were Aliens sighted in Venezuela in 1954. Sightings started after Midnight on November 28. The first witnesses were José Ponce and Gustavo Gonzalez. They were driving on a road in Caracas Venezuela when the road lit up with a bright ball of light three feet in circumference. They slowed and approached the light, and it swayed like a boat bobbing on the water. Ponce stayed in the car and Gonzalez exited the vehicle and approached the craft. He was hit and thrown through the air by an unseen force. The attack came from a hairy humanoid with the build of a man standing three feet tall.…
The Veggieman was an alien sighted near Rivesville West Virginia on July 1968 in the Evening. The witness was Jennings H. Frederick was hunting for woodchucks with no success. He was holding a 45 lb. bow when he heard something like a high-pitched jabbering, similar to a tape recording being played at high speeds. He thought he understood the words though it may have been telepathic. The being said “You need not fear me. I wish to communicate. I come as a friend. We know of you all. I come in peace. I wish medical assistance. I need your help!” The witness went to move his arm to grab a…