• Bogeyman Figures,  Panama,  T


    Tulivieja is a Bogeyman figure from the myths of Panama. She’s been known to steal misbehaving children out of their beds. One origin says there used to be a form of spirits that coexisted with humans peacefully until one female of these spirits became jealous of human women and created a mortal body for herself. She was very attractive and made men fall for her when she went into a town posing as a traveler. The human women became jealous of her, though they appreciated her quiet nature. She fell in love with a human man and became pregnant, but decided to drown the child immediately after its birth so…

  • B,  Cryptids,  G,  K,  T,  Yokai


    The Tsuchinoko is a Cryptid, or UMA, and Yokai from Japan. The name Tsuchinoko has been translated as “child of the earth,” “small mallet,” or “mallet child.” This name references a Japanese mallet called a tsuchi similar in shape to the creature’s body. They’re described as short, thick, snake-like creatures. Some describe them as incredibly poisonous and believe they can survive even when their heads are cut off. They’re known to be incredibly rare with many trying hard to prove their existence. There is an urban legend from Kanazawa stating that there is a slope where one night a man saw something tumbling down it. When he approached he saw…

  • China,  T

    To Fu

    To Fu is one of the Lwan from Chinese myth. These birds resemble large, graceful pheasants, which have different names based on their changing colors. This form is the yellow version, and goes alongside the Fung, Hwa Yih, Yin Chu, and Yu Siang. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016.

  • Albania,  T


    Talas is a mythical figure from Northern Albanian myth. It’s name means “foaming wave” and personifies ocean winds. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016. Elsie, Robert. A dictionary of Albanian religion, mythology, and folk culture. New York, NYU Press, 2001.

  • S,  Tobago,  Trinidad,  Vampires,  Witches


    The Sukuyan is a vampiric form of witch from Trinidad and Tobago. They remove their skin to fly around at night in the form of a ball of light. They can also take the form of jungle cats, big dogs, and predatory night birds. They prey on sleeping humans but must return to skin before dawn, or perish. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.

  • Fae,  R,  Scotland,  Unseelie


    The Redcap is a form of Fae and Unseelie from Scottish myth. They resemble short stocky old men, with tangled greasy hair, and bright red hats. They have cat-like claws and wear iron boots. They’re strong enough to overwhelm the average human and can run incredibly fast. Once a victim is mortally wounded, it dips its hat in their blood, leading to the red color. They live around graveyards, castles, and ruins, seldom traveling. They draw strength from the atmosphere of fear, pain, grief, death, or violence. They’re known to play pranks on humans and often trick humans into walking off cliffs, into deadfalls, or thorns. They also may startle…

  • Herzegovina,  P,  Slavic,  Vampires


    The Plakavac is a vampiric creature from Slavic myth, specifically in the area of Herzegovina. They’re created when children are strangled to death by their mothers, sometimes due to being illegitimate children, or sometimes just children who died unbaptized. If the Plakavac is formed from an unbaptized child, their village suffers a hailstorm that devastates crops. They take a form roughly the size of a frog and spend their time cursing the mother who killed them after bringing them life. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016.

  • Japan,  N,  Yokai


    The Nuppeppō is a yokai from Japanese myth. Its name may be a corruption of slang referring to someone wearing excessive makeup. Some think these creatures are related to Nopperabō, while others believe they’re the botched transformations of shapeshifting yokai. They’re the size of a child, but resemble humanoid masses of flesh with undeveloped hands and feet, with indiscernible facial features. They’re notably hideous and smell strongly of rotten meat. They appear at night and cause no harm other than disturbing those who see them, though they do enjoy the sickening effect they have. They’re incredibly fast and difficult to catch despite their passive demeanor. They can be found in…

  • Cryptids,  Lake Monsters,  N,  P

    Nahuelito/Patagonian Plesiosaur

    Nahuelito is a cryptid from Argentina living in Nahuel Huapi Lake. The sightings come from the 1910s, and 1920s. Its name means “little Nahuel” and it rarely bothers humans. It’s described as anywhere from fifteen to twenty feet in length, though some suggest it could reach ninety-eight feet in length. It has rough skin, a body with multiple humps, a snake-like head, and a nine foot long neck. Seen on calm summer days and only surfaces when the water is calm. It is known to have a distinctive sound to its breathing. Citations: Eberhart, George M.. Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology [2 Volumes]. Ukraine, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2002. Maberry, Jonathan.…

  • Aliens,  Belarus,  M

    Mozheyko Alien Sighting

    The Mozheyko Alien Sighting occurred in Hoyniki, Belarus, in the Summer of 1949 at 2 p.m. The witness to this was a man named M. Mozheyko when he was visiting family for the holidays. He was walking through a wooded area when he noticed a huge shadow pass overhead. A large sphere, roughly 15-20 meters high and 10-12 meters in diameter, descended into a clearing in front of the witness. On the underside was something like a steering wheel and something like a grey canvas bag that was 3 meters in diameter.  A creature came out of the bag resembling a cross-tie, made of wood, and shimmering in the sunlight.…