• Cryptids,  N,  West Africa

    Ninki Nanka

    The Ninki Nanka is a creature comes from the fresh water bodies in West Africa. It is described as having a body like a crocodile, a head like a horse with three horns, and a long neck. It is a nocturnal creature that lives in mangroves, and has a ravenous appetite. Some local legends state that it can transform into a thirty foot long giant snake. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016.

  • Fiji,  N


    The Ngani-Vatu is a monster from the folklore of Fiji. It was a giant man-eating bird large enough to block out the sun with its body and create storms with its wing flaps. In one story, it took the wife of a man named Okiva. Okiva could not save his wife, so he tracked the Ngani-Vatu down with his brother-in-law Kokoua and killed it. The body of Ngani-Vatu was pushed into the water and created a massive tidal wave. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016.

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  • Aliens,  N,  Oregon

    The Newport Multiplying Aliens

    The Newport Multiplying Aliens were sighted in Newport Oregon August 22, 2015, at 2:00 AM. The witnesses were a husband and wife who were sitting on the balcony of their 4th-floor hotel room. They saw what appeared to be a shooting star and after a moment they saw it was a white disk. It changed angles and flew parallel to the ocean and then slowed and made a boomerang-like maneuver. It was directly in front of their hotel room and three feet above the ocean. It moved back and forth a few feet and faded in and out of view multiple times. Just below the ship emerged three glowing beings…

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  • Germany,  N,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Neuntöter is an undead creature from Germany, usually Saxony. The name translates to “killer of nine” or “nine killer” and comes from the belief that these corpses take nine days to rise from the grave. They resemble corpses with rotting flesh and many open sores that smell like feces. They’re linked to the spreading of disease, which comes from their open sores.  Because of this they’re typically seen during great epidemics. They are known to drink blood and may kill purely for its own enjoyment. A person will become a Neuntöter after death if they are born with teeth, born with a spoon in their mouth, or if they’re…

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  • Deities,  Egypt,  N


    Nephtyhys is a goddess of Egyptian myth. She is a funerary goddess and the goddess of weaving. She was closely associated with mummification and the linens used in this process are sometimes referred to as the “Tresses of Nephthys.” She was one of the children of Geb and Nut, and was married to her brother Set. She is often depicted as a human woman with a crown that says “mansion.” Nephthys alongside Isis guarded the mummified corpse of Osiris in the form of kites. Despite being married to Set, she lived with Isis and Osiris and had a child with Osiris named Anubis. She is thought to guide rulers through…

  • Makua,  N,  Unicorn


    The Ndzoondzoo is from the Makua people of Southeast Africa. They are the size of a horse, extremely fast and very strong. They have a horn on their foreheads that is two and a half feet long. They are fierce creatures that attack without provocation. Their horns become flexible when they sleep and curls up on their heads. If the creatures are calm, they may stay in this resting position. Their horns regain their rigidity when they are hunting, or when they become excited. The females of this species do not possess the horn. To get away from these creatures you should climb a tree and avoid being seen. If they…

  • Cryptids,  Hairy Hominids,  N,  Republic of the Congo


    The Ndesu is a cryptid reported from the Republic of the Congo. They’re described as giant hominids covered in dark hair with some lighter tufts mixed in. They prey on human, especially women and children, and have been known to attack both solitary travelers and entire caravans. They are thought to love music and dancing, and can be distracted by playing music. Citations: Eberhart, George M.. Mysterious Creatures [2 Volumes]: A Guide to Cryptozoology [2 Volumes]. Ukraine, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2002.

  • Germany,  N,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Nachzehrer is from Germany. Born with cauls on their faces and cursed to rise from the dead, they eat their burial shrouds and their own flesh to give them the energy to break out of their graves. They get out of the grave at midnight, then hunt their family to feed on their blood. They are known to spread disease, cause famine, and destroy crops. They can be repelled by putting a pair of scissors open facing the head of the bed under the pillow. Garlic can be used to ward them off. They can be stopped through exorcism. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural…

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  • Dragons,  Indonesia,  Lake Monsters,  N

    Nabau Puaka

    The Nabau Puaka is a variation of the Nabau whose name means ”red dragon.”  They’re angry creatures from the sea. It’s thought ancestors rode these creatures to an ancestral lake. The lake turns red when they fume with anger. They fight each other in the lake and cause volcanic eruptions in the heavens. Citations: Sagin, Dominic Dado. A Ring of Truth: A Journey Through Space-Time, Myths, Legends, and Oral Histories – the Adventour of a Headhunter. United States, Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency (SBPRA), 2013.

  • Aliens,  M

    Mutated Martian Ants

    The Mutated Martian Ants are creatures that supposedly live on the surface of Mars and in rocky caves. They walk semi-erect on back feet, stand at four feet tall, and have less than human intelligence. They were initially regular ants but became mutated by an atomic experiment. They were recounted by Ernest Norman who said he visited Mars. The Martians went to war with them due to their being too many of them that were really big. Citations: Callahan, Timothy D., a nd Prothero, Donald R.. UFOs, Chemtrails, and Aliens: What Science Says. United States, Indiana University Press, 2017.

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