Melon Heads
The Melon Heads are mythical creatures from Connecticut, New England, Ohio, and Michigan. They’re described as hideous mutants with giant bald and bulbous heads. They’re small in stature and have long spindly arms and fingers. They have crooked, blocky, and discolored teeth. Sometimes they have red eyes and they are considered extremely dangerous. Wearing dark, tattered clothes makes it harder for them to see and can prevent an attack and often attack during full moons. Some accounts say they can move incredibly fast, in one account one kept up with a car going 45 to 50 mph. They often make high-pitched screams before attacking. They live in shadows and on…
The Mejenkwaad is a form of ghost or demon from the Marshall Islands. They are formed when the husbands of pregnant women leave, and do not return before the birth. After transforming, they devour their husbands as soon as they return. It was believed this was the fate of any lonely pregnant woman. There is a story of the island of Airok which had an incredibly high pregnancy death rate and was filled with Mejenkwaad. There were two women who never gave birth and lived to be old. They treated these Mejenkwaad as their daughters. They lived on the oceanside of Airok and none passed through that area because of…
Mederios Alien Hominid
This was an alien creature sighted near Portland, Oregon in May of 1971. It was described as an ape-like creature standing ten feet tall, gray in color, with low hanging arms. It was sighted initially by a man named Joe Mederios, and then separately sighted by three businessmen, despite Joe intentionally telling no one due to fear of ridicule. It was seen many times around a trailer park by a number of people. In these incidents, it often stood in place for extended periods of time, simply staring. Eventually it disappeared from the area. Citations: Steiger, Brad, and Steiger, Sherry Hansen. Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds.…
The Mbojo is a shapeshifter from the beliefs of the Turu people from Tanzania. They are thought to be witch doctors that could become lions, and are blamed for various unexplained deaths. Sometimes however these deaths are thought be done by normal lions controlled by a witch-doctor. Often it would be believed that Mbojo would be hired basically as assassins to kill one’s enemies. Some however believe it is simply people who learned to kill in a way that imitates a mauling from a lion, or were convinced they were lions through drugs and other such means. Sometimes the Mbojo is used as a bogeyman figure of sorts. Some real…
The Mashan is a demonic vampire from Nepal and India. Mashan are rare and have unnaturally long lives. They feed on blood and then flesh, cause madness, control the dead, and kill randomly. They live in an alternate dimension meant for demons, and they cross between worlds where the border is thinnest. Mashan rarely finds a weak point to use and cross over and often requires a magic user to pull them through in an attempt to control them. Magic users can hold Mashan, but lose control if they make even a small mistake. They can be stopped with prayers to the god Shiva, who tells them to return to…
The Mare is another term for an Alp from German myth. When an Alp attacks a horse, it is referred to as a Mare. It mounts the horse and rides it until it dies of exhaustion. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2017.
Mantis People
The Mantis People are cryptids sighted in various circumstances. This creature is described as being the size of a man, dark in color, and distinctly insect-like. It may have strange-looking hands or mandibles and may be covered with armored plates. It is bipedal and has long animalistic hind legs. One estimate suggested it is 500 pounds. While not frequently sighted, it has been encountered multiple times. – In one instance it was sighted by a man named John clinging to the wall of a building. The creature looked at John and walked up a wall backward. – It was also reported by a man named Troy, him and a friend…
The Sizzerbill is a creature from Lumberjack folklore from Minnesota and Wisconsin. They have the scientific name Fortesrostrum coxi. They’re rare creatures becoming even rarer, and they’re thought to be half bird and half some other animal. They hang around reeds and marshy riverbanks, keeping themselves hidden from sight. When they see a fish struggling on a line they use their scissor-like beaks to cut the line and free the fish. Citations: Yarns of the Big Woods, Written and Illustrated by Art Childs
Kansas Four Armed Alien
The Kansas Four-Armed Alien was sighted late at night in Summer 1972. The witness was driving on an empty road when he saw lights in a field and went to investigate. He parked and approached the lights to find a tall, well-built humanoid figure wearing black coveralls and a skull cap, along with white gloves and a belt. It had inhuman facial features including large round eyes, and possessed four arms. The being explained in English that he was a “miscreation” as well as the fourth in command of the nearby ship, which was hidden by glare. The witness claims to have convinced the being to allow him on the…
The Maneden is a mythical creature from the Chewong people of Malaysia. They are arboreal and aren’t dangerous if left alone. They don’t attack if someone approaches but will attack if they try to settle in the area. They are seen as spirits that live in pandan trees and violently attack anyone who would hurt the tree they reside in. They’re small creatures that attach themselves to the victims and drain their blood. With men, they attach to the forehead or elbow, and with women, they may attach to the nipple. They can be appeased with offerings of tubers and nuts and they are known to attack proboscis monkeys. After…