• Demonic,  Ghosts,  H,  Malaysia,  Spirits


    Hantu is a term used when referring to creatures from Malaysian myths. Hantu is often translated as “ghost” “demon” or “spirit.” They live in a place called Pulau Hantu, roughly meaning “ghost island.” They can generally be split into three classifications these being minor, medium, and greater. They’re nocturnal spirits and typically represent smaller dangers, preying on mankind. It’s believed there is a Hantu for every evil. They can bring disease, and insanity, and may possess people or herald Iblis. They are often invisible and can only be heard rather than seen. Each Hantu has specific strengths and weaknesses, and what these are can vary from town to town or…

  • Bogeyman Figures,  France,  H

    Hans Trapp

    Hans Trapp is a mythical figure from the Alsace-Lorraine region of France. He is related to the figures Knecht Ruprecht and Père Fouettard. He was also associated with a historical figure known as Hans Von Trotha, who was a knight and nobleman from the 1400s. He had a dispute with an abbot from a Benedictine monastery. He made a dam to deprive the town of Weissenburg of water and then broke it to flood the area. For this crime and others, he was summoned by Pope Alexander VI. He refused to appear and insulted the pope, resulting in his excommunication. Because of this, he was sometimes referred to as the…

  • Aliens,  T,  The Netherlands

    Tjerwerk Fireball Humanoid

    The Tjerwerk Fireball Humanoid is a creature sighted in Tjerwerk, Friesland, the Netherlands, in 1927. It was sighted by a man named Lieuwe Klaasens and a local pastor. They saw what resembled a fireball descending from the sky, and then morphing into a humanoid shape. This figure walked toward a Frisian burial ground, called a terp, before rolling back into a fireball and disappearing into the sky. Citations: Rosales, Albert. Humanoid Encounters 1 AD-1899: The Others Amongst Us. N.p., CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017.

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  • H,  Norse


    The Hamrammr are Norse warriors with supernatural abilities. They wear animal skins to gain the animals power or form while in battle. The power of these creatures grows the more they kill and eat, and they can potentially get to the point that they are completely unkillable. Sometimes their very presence scared enemies off the battlefield. Often a Hamrammr attempting this would end up dying due to their overconfidence. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.

  • Dragons,  Inuit,  P

    Polar Worms

    The Polar Worms are mythical creatures from Inuit myth. They’re described as long serpentine creatures. They have dragon-like heads and are considered to be extremely vicious. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016. Zell-Ravenheart, Oberon, and DeKirk, Ashley. Dragonlore: From the Archives of the Grey School of Wizardry. United States, Red Wheel Weiser, 2006.

  • H,  Kwakiutl


    The Hamatsa is from the Kwakiutl people. He is a cannibal who sings songs about killing, eating, and dismembering people who he leaves bloody bite marks on. Citations: Sullivan, Irene F., and Gill, Sam D.. Dictionary of Native American Mythology. United Kingdom, Oxford University Press, 1994.

  • Aliens,  G


    The Grey is a form of alien frequently seen in modern sightings. They are often thought to be from Zeta Reticuli II, leading to them sometimes being called Zeta Reticulans. They have bulbous oversized heads, thin limbs, and grey skin. They have large insect-like black eyes, often almond-shaped and wrapping around the head. Short forms of Greys reach four to five feet in height, while the tall ones reach six to eight and a half feet tall. They are commonly thought to abduct humans and implant trackers into them. Some believe they use humans to reproduce because they’ve damaged their species through cloning and inbreeding. They’re often thought to be…

  • Bogeyman Figures,  H,  Seneca


    The Hagondes is a bogeyman figure from the Seneca people. Its name means “long nose.” It is a cannibalistic clown that eats children. It carries misbehaving children away in a basket. Citations: Sullivan, Irene F., and Gill, Sam D.. Dictionary of Native American Mythology. United Kingdom, Oxford University Press, 1994.

  • Bogeyman Figures,  H,  Kawaiisu,  Nevada


    The Haakapainizi is a strange monster from the Kawaiisu people in what is currently Nevada. It looked like a giant grasshopper carrying around a large basket. It would move around singing and grabbing children to place in its basket. It was eventually killed by Mouse who tricked it into eating a hot coal. Eating this coal caused Haakapainizi to turn to stone from the inside out. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016. Rose, Carol. Giants Monsters and Dragons: An Encyclopedia Of Folklore Legend And Myth. United Kingdom, WW Norton, 2001. Sullivan, Irene F., and Gill, Sam D..…

  • G,  Lumberjack Folklore,  The United States


    The Guyascutus is a bizarre creature from Lumberjack Folklore. They are sometimes described as large dragons. Sometimes they’re described as ten-foot-long alligators with armadillo shells and horns running down their spine. Others times they are described as whitetail deers with sharp teeth and rabbit ears. Sometimes they resemble forty foot long monstrous lizards with long necks covered in scales, teeth large enough to grind boulders to dust, red smoke billowing from their nostrils, and writhing tails covered in yard long dagger-like horns. They are often thought to be so dangerous that simply seeing one could scare a person to death. Often the legs on one side of their body were…

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