Fext are a form of undead from Eastern Bohemia and Western Moravia. Their other name, Kostlivec, simply means “skeleton” which is a less specific term. It is believed that babies with their amniotic sac still around them at birth are likely to become Fext. Their corpses do not decompose after death. Their skin is like a hardened shell, and they cannot be killed with normal bullets but can be killed with a glass ball or peg. Many of them are connected to the thirty years war. Citations: Marenčin, Albert, and Stejskal, Martin. Labyrintem tajemna, aneb, Průvodce po magických místech Československa. Czechia, Paseka, 1991.
The Fetch is a supernatural creature from Scottish myth. They are thought to be made of all the negative qualities and traits of a person. Everyone is believed to have one, but it is suppressed by conscious and societal laws. If someone is disturbed or unbalanced enough, the Fetch can separate from the person and become a whole separate being. Sometimes they remain completely invisible and whisper temptations into the ear of their better half. This may cause one to believe they are insane, or cause them to become insane. They can move objects and harm people and can also manifest looking identical to their better half. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan.…
Fenrir/Fenris Wolf/Hródvitnir
Fenrir is a giant monstrous wolf from Norse mythology. Fenrir is a wolf so large his jaws stretch from the ground to the sky. He was born as one of the children of Loki and Angrboda. Some believe Fenrir embodied the chaotic and destructive aspects of nature, and represented subterranean fire. Some see the binding of Fenrir as symbolic of humanity trying to contain nature. Fenrir was taken to Asgard by Odin, with the intent of taming him. He grew to remarkable size and ferocity, so much so that almost all the gods were too afraid to approach him. Tyr was the only one not afraid, and was the one…
Felixstowe Fire Demon
The Felixstowe Fire Demon is an alien sighted by Michael Johnson. He was riding in a car with Geoffrey Maskey and Mavis Fordyce. The car stopped on Walton Avenue in Felixstowe Essex at 10:30 at night. Johnson randomly left the car without a word and walked into the woods. Minutes later a high-pitched humming noise was heard. Maskey looked out the car window to find the source and saw a brightly glowing orange oval shaped object. The UFO was 6 feet long and 100 feet off the ground. The object quickly disappeared into the trees, but the sound could still be heard. Johnson soon emerged from the woods gripping his…
Féar Gortagh/Fair Gortha/Fear Gortach/Fod Gortach/Fairy Grass/Hungry Grass
The Féar Gortagh is from Irish myth. It’s thought to be a patch of grass where someone died a violent or unnatural death, though it is indistinguishable from any other grass. It drains the life force of its victims, with them sometimes dying if they don’t immediately eat or drink something. Some believe that any who step on Fèar Gortagh becomes so hungry they eat themselves. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Mythological Objects. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2020. Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.
The Farkaskoldus is a vampiric form of werewolf from Hungary. Its name translates to “wolf beggar.” Oftentimes they are undead creatures that in life, were abused shepherds. Sometimes a person could become a Farkaskoldus if they consumed the flesh of someone who was executed. They return from the dead to right some serious wrong and are known to be incredibly dangerous and easy to anger. Sometimes the spirit that brings them back will fade quickly after getting revenge. They can take the form of a cat, dog or goat, and they use these forms to discreetly seek out prey. After finding prey, typically sleeping people, they sit on the person’s…
El Fantasma Malo
El Fantasma Malo is a form of ghost from El Salvador created when someone builds a house and later dies in it. It’s thought that the effort they put into the building is what ties them to it and leads them to refuse to give up the house to anyone else. They often pull down blankets, throws things, hides things, and move around furniture. It’s thought they may hover over sleeping children in the form of a thick mist and make it hard for them to breathe, making them ill. They may also inhale the breath of a child to steal its life force which causes them to become sick…
Faery Dragon/Fey Dragon/Fairy Dragon/Penny Dragon
The Faery Dragon is a creature commonly from South American folklore. They resemble the typical European Dragon but range from the size of a mouse to a foot long. They also have two sets of wings resembling a dragonfly or butterfly, long tapered snouts, large iridescent eyes, and coloration matching their surroundings. Their scales are thought to reflect rainbows in the correct light. Citations: Zell-Ravenheart, Oberon, and DeKirk, Ashley. Dragonlore: From the Archives of the Grey School of Wizardry. United States, Red Wheel Weiser, 2006.
The Estrie is a dangerous monster from Hebrew belief. They are thought to be shapeshifters who have been known to take the form of dogs, cats, insects, or snakes. Along with these animal forms, it could take the form of a human, or even specific individuals if it helped them to lure in its prey. They specifically feed on the blood of children and lure them to isolated locations. Once alone, the Estrie reveals their true face and consume their victims. It is believed none have ever seen the face of an Estrie and lived to tell of it. The Estrie may unintentionally lead to the execution of an innocent…
The Eretiku is a creature from Russian mythology. This creature is seen as the female version of Erestun. They are thought to be deliberate blasphemers who practice black magic or women who sold their souls to the devil and return from the grave. They take the form of old women and seek out others of their kind to form covens. It can induce a sickness that causes the life force and sanity to begin wasting away, simply by staring into someone’s eyes. If they’re not strong enough to physically manifest, they take the form of a ghost that can manipulate physical objects. In this form, they rise from the graves…