The Erestun is a form of spirit from Russian myth. They possess someone who is on the brink of death, often causing accidents, illnesses, or violence. They are thought to be the spirits of evil sorcerers formed when the sorcerer splits its soul, or when they somehow lose their physical body. They enter the body in an invisible astral form and cause what appears to be a miraculous recovery. They need to feed on human blood to maintain control of the body they possess and prey on the friends and family of their host. Sometimes they take only a small amount of blood, but in desperate situations, they will drain…
Erba Martian
The Erba Martian was an alien sighted in Erba, Como, Italy October 18, 1954. The witness was a 37-year-old man named Renzo Pugina. He was returning from seeing a movie when he noticed a glow coming from a nearby villa. He parked and climbed a set of stairs connecting to the villa and he saw a bizarre figure. He determined this figure was a “Martian.” The creature stood 1.3 meters in height surrounded by soft, warm light. It seemed to be wearing armor and a helmet with a transparent front and light was coming from the top. The upper body was covered in overalls covered in metallic, fish-like scales. Its…
The Enenra is a Yokai from Japanese myth. They have no physical form and appear in smoke from fires. Their amorphous form may resemble animals or people and fade in and out of sight as the smoke shifts. They are completely harmless but very frightening, and are considered especially disturbing when they emerge from the smoke of someone being cremated. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016.
The Endrop is a form of Fairy Animal from Romanian myth. It’s descrption is incredibly similar to the Kelpie and Each-Uisge . It appears as a horse and entices people to ride on its back. They then dive into the water and drown the rider. It’s thought that victims can only save themselves if they pray to Jesus. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016.
The Encerrados are creatrures from Chilean myth whose name means “captive” or “recluse.” They resemble grey skinned cannibals that kidnap children and deliver them to witches who then sew up the orifices of the kidnapped. They serve Invunche and Chivato, and in some interpretations evolve into these creatures. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016.
The Empusa is a bizarre creature that comes from Ancient Greece. They have human bodies, a bronze leg, and a donkey leg and face. They were seen as demonic creatures that served the goddess Hecate.They would lie in wait, hiding in dark spots by the side of the road. Their strange appearance is sometimes believed to be used to hide their true faces which are too terrifying for people to handle. They have the power to disguise themselves as attractive women, or vanish into thin air. They would consume the flesh of their victims. In one specific account, one was kept away when someone used harsh language towards it. Citations:…
The Eloko is a strange creature that comes from the Nkundo people of Zaire. They are small humanoids that consume human flesh. They often look very ugly, with grass growing from them instead of hair, sharp claws, snouts like a dog, sharp teeth, and eyes that glow like fire. They often wears clothes made of leaves. They can unhinge their jaws to open wide enough to eat a human whole. They are believed to be formed from the spirit of a person who died under unfortunate circumstances, who cannot move on without resolving whatever caused their death. They often carry around enchanted bells which they use to put people into…
Elmer the Moose Terrier
Elmer The Moose Terrier was a strange creature was the dog that belonged to Paul Bunyan. It was said to be a dog strong enough to shake a moose to death, like most terriers could with a rat. It was also known to be an incredible tracker. One day though, he had an accident. He was rustling around in a cabin, and the lumberjack who lived there thought it was some dangerous creature. In response to the rustling creature, the lumberjack threw his ax and cut Elmer cleanly in half. Another person quickly sewed him back together and managed to save him. In the mans haste though, he accidentally sewed…
The Ellefolk are a form of Fae from Denmark, and the females are called Ellewomen. They live in the areas surrounding moors and often resemble gnomes. They appear as beautiful women from the front, but from behind have a massive hole in their back and a bovine tail. They have no heart which is visible due to the hole in the back. The Ellewoman will often begin playing instruments like a harp to further lure in the men they seek to attract. If a man can break the trance and escape being lured in, he is cursed with illness. If an animal grazes in a field where one of the…
The Ellefolk are a form of Fae from Denmark, and the males are called Elleman. They resemble wrinkled old men with flat hats pulled over their brows. They lay down pretending to be in distress or lie in wait for people. When someone approaches the Elleman will curse that person and possibly their entire village, causing illness. If an animal grazes in a field where one of the Elleman has peed or spit, the animal will quickly waste and die, and if it is a cow then this sickness can be passed through the milk. This can be avoided if the farmers ask permission from the Elleman for their animals…