The Blue-Cap is a form of Fae from English myth. They are thought to live in mines and often work alongside human miners. They’re thought to be strong and industrious with a deep understanding of rocks and ore, and the supernatural ability to control these things. While not mining, they resemble blue and white balls of light that are cold to the touch. Some believe they have troll-like forms and scoop rocks and ore from mine walls. If a Blue-Cap assisted in a mine, they had to be given exact payment for that day’s work. If left unpaid or underpaid, they would leave the mine forever. If they were overpaid, they would take only what was owed and leave the rest. There is a story from Cornwall of a goblin killing people in a mine that was combated, and killed, by a Blue-Cap. Another story tells of a miner stealing the money left for the Blue-Cap and the creature retaliating by bringing the mine down on his head.
Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.