
  • Akkadian,  Babylonian,  Deities,  Dragons,  Sumerian,  T


    Tiamat is a primordial goddess from Sumerian, Babylonian, Akkadian, and Mesopotamian mythology. She is a creator goddess who is thought to embody the water of the ocean. She is thought to have combined with Apsu, who embodies freshwater, and birthed eleven monstrous creatures. She became incredibly angry at Enki and Marduk for leading the deities who later killed Apsu. She created and then married the god Kingu to fight Marduk. Marduk eventually split her in half, using half of her body to make the vault of heaven, and using her eyes as the water sources for the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Citations: Jordan, Michael. Encyclopedia of Gods: Over 2,500 Deities…

  • Akkadian,  Demonic,  R,  Spirits,  Vampires


    The Rabisu are vampiric spirits from ancient Akkadian myth. Their name means “evil fiend” or “evil croucher.” They’re ambush predators that stalk from the shadows and lunge at unsuspecting humans to drain their life force. They are known to cooperate amongst each other and even with other creatures like Labartu. They often appear in nightmares and hide out in rarely visited places. Rabisu would often be a term placed before various forms of demons, and at one time a Rabisu was a high official just under a judge much like a magistrate, with the name changing context due to the fear of the power these people held. People who can…