Mozheyko Alien Sighting
The Mozheyko Alien Sighting occurred in Hoyniki, Belarus, in the Summer of 1949 at 2 p.m. The witness to this was a man named M. Mozheyko when he was visiting family for the holidays. He was walking through a wooded area when he noticed a huge shadow pass overhead. A large sphere, roughly 15-20 meters high and 10-12 meters in diameter, descended into a clearing in front of the witness. On the underside was something like a steering wheel and something like a grey canvas bag that was 3 meters in diameter. A creature came out of the bag resembling a cross-tie, made of wood, and shimmering in the sunlight.…
Lawrenceville Glowing Alien
The Lawrenceville Glowing Alien is a creature sighted in Lawrenceville, Georgia, on June 8, 2012. A couple was arguing in their backyard when the girlfriend saw a strange light approaching that turned into a fluorescent green orb and landed between the fences of two houses. The object was incredibly silent, and despite how bright it was, the witness’s dog didn’t react to it. When they looked closer they realized the orb was actually a tall, lanky humanoid glowing so bright that from a distance it just looked like a glowing green ball. This figure walked along the fence until it reached an elementary school playground. An array of lights appeared…
Colares Dehydrating Alien
The Colares Dehydrating Alien was sighted in Colares, Brazil in October 1977. The witness was a woman named Claudomira Paixao. She was sleeping in a hammock when a bright light shone through her window and woke her up. Initially, the light was green but changed to red. She then saw a being holding something like a gun which fired a beam of light into the witness’s chest. After being hit, the witness became incredibly hot and thirsty. The being then drew blood from three places on the witness’s body. When the being and the light disappeared, the witness screamed and was immediately taken to the hospital. She was treated for…
Alameda Whirlwind Alien
The Alameda Whirlwind Alien is a creature sighted in Alameda, Spain in July 1948. A 17-year-old named Lucas Pozo was guarding his family’s watermelons when a whirlwind suddenly appeared in the middle of the patch. The wind covered everything in dust as the witness investigated further, finding a metallic bowl-shaped object. A figure emerged from the object resembling a short figure with long dangling arms, small fingers, and short legs. It had beady black eyes and hair that seemed to be glued on which was slicked back. It wore mustard-colored coveralls and moved in a coordinated manner. The witness panicked and ran away immediately. Citations: Rosales, Albert. Humanoid Encounters 1930-1949:…
El Yunque Eldritch Alien
The El Yunque Eldritch Alien is a creature sighted in Puerto Rico, on October 29, 1973. Nine campers and three adults went to El Yunque Mountain in the hopes of seeing UFOs and aliens. Later in the night, the group found themselves surrounded by vaguely humanoid creatures with long ears and clawed hands. Upon closer inspection, the creatures appeared to have triangle heads and extraordinary eyes. These beings moved rapidly through the brush and blocked the only path the group could use to leave the mountain or reach their vehicles. One of the leaders approached one of the beings and made physical contact with it. At this same time, one…
Lakeside Ghost Alien
The Lakeside Ghost Alien sighted in Lakeside California in November 1978. The witness woke up at 2:00 AM to get water and found a mysterious figure in the hallway in front of the living room, which was brightly lit for some unknown reason. She approached the entity and it backed away in time with her movements. She believed she saw the glowing creature from behind and described it as 4 ½ feet tall, floating one foot above the ground. It was skinny and light grey, with long thin arms, the hands were not seen. It had what resembled a greyish-white headband 1 ½ inches wide that glowed white at the…
Railbach Burning Man
The Railbach Burning Man was a mysterious figure sighted in Railbach, Freientein, Germany in 1125. A man named Georg Miltenburger and several others saw this entity described as a man on fire running over hills. It was seen spitting fire out of its nose and mouth, and several claimed to see its exposed burning ribs. It was seen wandering the area for a long period. It has been suggested that this account could describe an alien figure wearing luminous clothes and expelling beams of light. Citations: Rosales, Albert. Humanoid Encounters 1 AD-1899: The Others Amongst Us. N.p., CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017.
Mill Race Monster/Hairy Green Monster Of Millrace Park
The Mill Race Monster is a creature sighted in Columbus Indiana 1974. It was described as a green-colored hairy humanoid creature. Some claim the creature was actually a man wearing a green mask and green blankets. It stood six feet tall with a large frame and had long red hair hanging in its face. Some believed this creature would hide in a lagoon in Flatrock, while others suggested it had a lair in the dense woods. It was sighted multiple times roaming Columbus, Indiana near Millrace Park. A large group of armed men searched for the monster, with concerns they may kill a person playing a prank. It supposedly left…
Maine Turtle Aliens
The Maine Turtle Aliens were sighted in Portland Maine, on August 23, 2003, seen at 1:00 a.m. The witness was driving to his hotel in Auburn Maine, when he was enveloped by a bright light coming from all directions. His truck stalled and then drifted off the side of the road before it was lifted six feet into the air and taken into a nearby field. He jumped out of the truck and a basketball-sized multi-colored glowing orb flew in front of his face and spun around. The witness then calmed down and passed out. He woke up naked on a table the size of a twin bed, that was…
Gregorio Murillo Incident
The Gregorio Murillo Incident occurred in Soria, Spain, in 1815. The witness of these creatures was a young shepherd during the Napoleonic wars, named Gregorio Murillo. He followed a stray sheep to a cave covered by greenery. He found a glowing phosphorescent cave with giant boulders and other formations of quartz crystal. The walls had streaks of color like marble, and they had thin veins of silver and gold. Encrusted in these walls were various precious gemstones. Outside sounds were sealed off, but subterranean fires and running water from inside the cave were audible. He wandered through the environment until he found a spring spewing out foamy water. There were…