Imjärvi Alien
The Imjärvi Alien was sighted in Imjärvi Finland. In 1970, two men were out skiing in the afternoon, when they stopped in a small clearing and heard a buzzing noise and saw a light approaching. They saw a nine-foot-wide flying saucer surrounded by a reddish grey mist. It had a dome on the top and three spheres on the lower side, and it fired a beam of light at the ground which pulled one of the men backwards. They then saw the being standing in the light. It was about three feet tall, had thin arms and legs, a pale waxy face, a hook nose, small ears that narrowed towards…
The Iguanoids are Aliens thought to have originated on a world in the constellation Orion. It’s thought they later moved to a water-covered planet in the Boötes constellation. It’s thought they were created by an Alien empire in Orion being constructed of 50% iguana, 25% human, and 25% grey DNA. They were bred to be aggressive and are known to practice the dark arts and cause trouble. They often feel superior to other species and treat them with disdain. They are believed to sew the seeds of discord and stop planets and species from progressing. They have the ability to infiltrate and poison minds with psychic abilities, often controlling a…
Tjerwerk Fireball Humanoid
The Tjerwerk Fireball Humanoid is a creature sighted in Tjerwerk, Friesland, the Netherlands, in 1927. It was sighted by a man named Lieuwe Klaasens and a local pastor. They saw what resembled a fireball descending from the sky, and then morphing into a humanoid shape. This figure walked toward a Frisian burial ground, called a terp, before rolling back into a fireball and disappearing into the sky. Citations: Rosales, Albert. Humanoid Encounters 1 AD-1899: The Others Amongst Us. N.p., CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017.
The Grey is a form of alien frequently seen in modern sightings. They are often thought to be from Zeta Reticuli II, leading to them sometimes being called Zeta Reticulans. They have bulbous oversized heads, thin limbs, and grey skin. They have large insect-like black eyes, often almond-shaped and wrapping around the head. Short forms of Greys reach four to five feet in height, while the tall ones reach six to eight and a half feet tall. They are commonly thought to abduct humans and implant trackers into them. Some believe they use humans to reproduce because they’ve damaged their species through cloning and inbreeding. They’re often thought to be…
Sugar Bundle
The Sugar Bundle is an alien sighted in Jicotea Las Villas, Cuba 1915. Two men patrolled a sugarcane field on horses when the horses suddenly refused to move and seemed afraid. They saw something resembling a small white sack, or bundle, on the ground near a trail. They determined this was a living creature, and their horses panicked as it approached. One man fired on it with a pistol, but the creature grew larger with every bullet that hit it, seemingly absorbing the mass. When it grew to the size of the horses, the men fled on foot, finding their horses later the next day completely unharmed. Citations: Rosales, Albert.…
Gavres Hairy Alien
The Gavres Hairy Alien was a creature sighted in Gavres, Morbihan, France on October 20, 1954. The witness was a 23-year-old woman named Marie C. She was closing the shutters of her home and she saw a red-orange light hovering over a nearby road. From the light there was a thin beam of light pointing straight down and five beings appeared from it. These beings stood 1 to 1.2 meters in height, were covered in russet red hair, their heads had no hair and all had pig-like noses. These beings approached and entered the witness’s house and walked in line, all making three turns around the witness. She started screaming…
Garson Martian/Garson Invaders
The Garson Aliens were sighted in Garson Ontario on July 2, 1954. They were sighted by a miner named Ennio LaSarza. He saw a UFO hovering 25 feet off the ground like a helicopter. The center of the ship was described as a square with a telescopic protrusion. The ship could also supposedly move twenty times faster than a jet. Three aliens emerged from this ship and fixed LaSarza in place with a hypnotic gaze, eventually knocking him out. They indicated, through telepathy, they had interest in atomic energy and mines, and conveyed some message so horrible LaSarza refused to repeat it. He described the aliens as over twelve feet…
Felixstowe Fire Demon
The Felixstowe Fire Demon is an alien sighted by Michael Johnson. He was riding in a car with Geoffrey Maskey and Mavis Fordyce. The car stopped on Walton Avenue in Felixstowe Essex at 10:30 at night. Johnson randomly left the car without a word and walked into the woods. Minutes later a high-pitched humming noise was heard. Maskey looked out the car window to find the source and saw a brightly glowing orange oval shaped object. The UFO was 6 feet long and 100 feet off the ground. The object quickly disappeared into the trees, but the sound could still be heard. Johnson soon emerged from the woods gripping his…
Erba Martian
The Erba Martian was an alien sighted in Erba, Como, Italy October 18, 1954. The witness was a 37-year-old man named Renzo Pugina. He was returning from seeing a movie when he noticed a glow coming from a nearby villa. He parked and climbed a set of stairs connecting to the villa and he saw a bizarre figure. He determined this figure was a “Martian.” The creature stood 1.3 meters in height surrounded by soft, warm light. It seemed to be wearing armor and a helmet with a transparent front and light was coming from the top. The upper body was covered in overalls covered in metallic, fish-like scales. Its…
Lake Baikai Humanoids
The Lake Baikal Humanoids were aliens sighted in Russia in 1982. These beings were reported by the Russian Navy in Lake Baikal. Divers encountered humanoid beings wearing silver suits without any obvious breathing apparatus. Three people tried to follow them but ended up dying in the process. Due to the lake being really deep, large, and old, some think it is home to an underwater alien base. Citations: Steiger, Sherry Hansen, and Steiger, Brad. Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds. United Kingdom, Visible Ink Press, 2011.