
  • Angola,  K,  Seducers


    The Kishi are monstrous creatures from the myths of Angola. They resemble humans with a hyena face on the back of their heads, often growing out their hair or wearing a headdress to hide their second face. They use their charm, and appearance of a seductive male to lure in victims, namely pretty young women. They then take their victims aside to reveal their horrifying nature. They feed on the fear released in this moment, and then consume the flesh of their victims. They are strong and smart and bite with more force than a crocodile, easily killing with just one bite. They can be killed through normal means and…

  • Angola,  C,  Cryptids,  Water Lions

    Coje Ya Menia

    The Coje Ya Menia is a cryptid from Angola. They are aquatic creatures fitting the cryptozoological classification of Water Lion. They are slightly smaller than a hippopotamus and have large canine teeth, or tusks. They are nocturnal and move around in smaller amounts of water during the rainy season, while typically living in rivers and swamps. They can be identified by their loud, rumbling roars and their elephant-like footprints. They are known to kill hippos but not eat them. It has been suggested that they are surviving saber tooth tigers, giant monitor lizards, or some form of surviving dinosaur. Citations: Eberhart, George M.. Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology. United…