
  • Araucanian,  T


    The Trempulcuehuecuve is a creature from Araucanian myth. They are controlled by witches and were often placed under the authority of Invunche. Most often they capture young girls approaching the water to feed them to Chivito. They resemble massive octopi with ears covered in eyes and with clawed tentacles. They can expand and open their bodies. Only a hero is capable of killing the Trempulcuehuecuve. They are easiest to approach and attack when they sun themselves on the beach. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016.

  • Araucanian,  C,  Cannibal Giants,  Chile,  Cryptids,  Mapuche,  Spirits


    The Cherufe is a creature originating from the myths of the Mapuche and Araucanian people of Chile and Argentina. The Cherufe is thought to inhabit magma pools and active volcanoes, and the body of the Cherufe is thought to be made of the same molten materials. The Cherufe is described in various manners. – Some in cryptozoology believe the Cherufe to be an undiscovered species capable of living in magma pools. Often these are depicted as lizard-like humanoids. – Some stories say that the Cherufe came to earth as cannibalistic giants disguised as comets. Sometimes they’re described like dragons, or giant humanoids with reptilian skin. These Cherufe prey on any who…

  • A,  Araucanian,  Deities,  Mapuche


    Antu is a deity from Mapuche and Araucanian mythology representing the sun, light, wisdom, and spirits. He is seen as the principle Pillan spirit and the total opposite of darkness and the physical world. He has a son who became a monstrous snake called Trentren Vilu, and is married to Kuyén who represents the moon. Eclipses have been called Lay-Antu and Lay Cujen, meaning death of the sun and death of the moon respectively. He is seen as the enemy to Peripillán, and it’s thought he rested in the mountain of Piri Pillén. Citations: Cruz, Eduardo Agustin. The Grand Araucanian Wars (1541–1883) in the Kingdom of Chile. United Kingdom, Xlibris…