
  • Austria,  B,  Bosnia,  Germany,  Herzegovina,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Blutsaugr is a vampiric form of undead from the mythology of Austria, Germany, and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The name translates to “blood sucker” and they have pale skin, rotten flesh, and emaciated frames. They are mostly mindless, only smart enough to avoid capture or death. In Bosnia specifically, the Blutsaugr is thought to have no skeleton and is covered in stiff dark hair. This version can turn someone else into a Blutsaugr by tricking someone into eating a bit of dirt from its grave, and can also turn into a rat, wolf, or hunting dog. Eating the meat of an animal killed by a wolf can turn someone into a Blutsaugr…

  • Austria,  Bavaria,  Christmas,  Hairy Hominids,  Hungary,  K,  Switzerland


    Krampus is a monster and folklore figure from countries such as Austria, Bavaria, Hungary, and Switzerland. His name means “claw” and he is thought to accompany Santa Claus. In Austria he is seen as Santa’s evil twin and appears on December 5. He is often depicted as a seven-foot-tall hairy humanoid with dark skin, a goat-like head, a long tail, curling horns, and a long hanging tongue. He carries a birch switch and threatens to beat bad children with it. He is thought to attack and give nightmares to naughty children on the orders of Santa Claus. In Austria, he leaves birch brooms in the houses of naughty children, and…