
  • Bohemia,  Czech Republic,  O,  Undead


    The Ogoljen are from the Czech Republic and specifically Bohemia. They are bloodthirsty undead. They resemble old naked, balding men with rotting skin. Their breath is so bad it can knock someone out from ten feet away. They can be killed by being burned to ashes or decapitated. If they are decapitated, their bodies must be buried so they cannot rise again. Dirt from their graves can be used as a charm to repel the creatures. They can be stopped by being dug up during the day, burying them at crossroads, and sewing shrouds to their navels. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt…

  • Bohemia,  F,  K,  Moravia,  Undead


    Fext are a form of undead from Eastern Bohemia and Western Moravia. Their other name, Kostlivec, simply means “skeleton” which is a less specific term. It is believed that babies with their amniotic sac still around them at birth are likely to become Fext. Their corpses do not decompose after death. Their skin is like a hardened shell, and they cannot be killed with normal bullets but can be killed with a glass ball or peg. Many of them are connected to the thirty years war. Citations: Marenčin, Albert, and Stejskal, Martin. Labyrintem tajemna, aneb, Průvodce po magických místech Československa. Czechia, Paseka, 1991.