British Columbia

  • A,  Bella Coola,  British Columbia,  Cannibal Giants,  Hairy Hominids


    The Äläkwis is a form of cannibal giant covered with hair from stories of the Bella Coola people of British Columbia. They once lived like humans on King Island. They had rites like worshiping fire. Most of them were killed from genocide by their neighbors the Bella Bella. Only a few escaped to the lake near the inner section of the island. They were once witnessed fishing in a boat, but when they realized they were being watched, they broke down their boat and ran off into the woods. Citations: Annual Archæological Report. Canada, n.p, 1924. Eberhart, George M.. Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology. United Kingdom, ABC-CLIO, 2002.