The Cuegle is a creature from the myths of the Cantabrian area in Northern Spain. It stands upright, has a horn on its forehead, three arms without hands, and five rows of sharp teeth. It has three eyes, one red, one blue, and one green. It’s omnivorous and will eat anything it catches, usually searching for vulnerable prey rather than actually hunting. It’s known to target nesting chickens, unattended children, and small animals. It can be repelled by holly or oak leaves being placed around the house but is unkillable. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Giants and Humanoids in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016. Lawrence,…
Craigsmere Beast
The Craigsmere Beast is a cryptid from Florida. It was sighted in 1920 by a man aboard the ship Craigsmere. It was described as a long creature with several dorsal fins and a head slightly further in front of the body. It was suggested by Bernard Heuvelmans to be a “Many Finned Sea Serpent” seen on its side. Citations: Newton, Michael. Florida’s Unexpected Wildlife: Exotic Species, Living Fossils, and Mythical Beasts in the Sunshine State. United States, University Press of Florida, 2007.
Colares Dehydrating Alien
The Colares Dehydrating Alien was sighted in Colares, Brazil in October 1977. The witness was a woman named Claudomira Paixao. She was sleeping in a hammock when a bright light shone through her window and woke her up. Initially, the light was green but changed to red. She then saw a being holding something like a gun which fired a beam of light into the witness’s chest. After being hit, the witness became incredibly hot and thirsty. The being then drew blood from three places on the witness’s body. When the being and the light disappeared, the witness screamed and was immediately taken to the hospital. She was treated for…
Clymene is a Titan and Oceanid from Greek mythology. She is noted for being the wife of Iapetus and mother to the Titans Epimetheus, Menoetius, Prometheus, and Atlas. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Giants and Humanoids in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016.
Chōchin Obake/Chochinobake/Obakechochin
The Chochinobake is a form of yokai from Japanese myth. They’re a form of tsukumogami, meaning an inanimate object that gains sentience after years of neglect. With this creature, the object that transforms is a chochin, a form of paper lantern with a spiral frame made of bamboo. These lanterns are commonly hung outside of businesses and are extremely common. They don’t appear in the oldest yokai depictions and are thought to be related to an older yokai called Burabura. These are Kitsune disguising themselves as lanterns in rice fields rather than tsukumogami like Chochinobake. They resemble worn cochin lamps with a massive tear for a mouth containing a large…
Cougar Fish
The Cougar Fish is a creature from Lumberjack folklore. They have the “scientific name” Pterygium unguis acutis. They’re described as violent and savage fish with claws at the ends of their fins. They’re found only in the Big Onion River and rest in shallow rough sections of water, clawing any lumberjacks that pass. A reward was placed on them, and after which the fish seemed to disappear, and none were ever found. Citations: Wyman, Walker D. Mythical Creatures of the USA and Canada.(River Falls, WI: Univ of Wisconsin Riverfalls Press,1978.)
The Cihuateteo are a form of vampiric creature from Aztec myth. They were thought to be women who died during childbirth, and their unborn children would become a different vampiric creature. They often dressed in imitation of the goddess Tlazolteotl and may appear as a normal mother and child. The two creatures target children to infect them with an illness that causes them to waste away, while other times they feed on blood, or the misery they cause. These creatures were thoght to be repelled by ancient Aztec holy relics. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us.…
The Caballi is a vampiric creature existing on the astral plane. They are created when a man dies before his time and retains his intelligence in the astral plane. They prey on humans going through the astral plane, and mediums. They desire interaction with the physical world and possess mediums to do so temporarily. They are similar to the Incubus or Succubus and latch onto humans for sexual activity. The Caballi will persist until it reaches the day it was supposed to die naturally. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2017.
Conjoined Giants/Denecho Keníhshon
The Conjoined Giants come from a story in Slavey myth. After the figure Wolverine stole a child, this child accidentally mistook these giants for his grandparents. They were connected at the back and faced opposite directions. They were dragging a giant toboggan. They were known to eat humans and ate the boy who had been stolen. Thankfully the father of the boy prayed for his son’s resurrection. Unfortunately, the boy made the same mistake and died again, but this time he wasn’t brought back. The boy’s father tricked them into killing each other by shooting an arrow at them while they were covered by a blanket. This caused each to…
Choleree is a monster from Evens mythology in Siberia. He was described as an ogre having one arm, one leg, one eye in the center of the forehead, and iron teeth that he constantly gnashed. He appeared in a story about a brother and sister. He asked the sister if she could live with them, and the girl agreed. She snuck Choleree into their home. He locked away all the brother’s loyal animals and told the brother to wash himself so Choleree could eat his liver and innards. A duck the brother had spared came and freed his two bears, two wolves, and two foxes. The animals instructed the brother…