• C,  Vermont


    The Coonigator is a cryptid with a rounded body, grey fur, and a reptilian alligator head. They are the same size as a raccoon and live in wooded areas around Montpelier,  Vermont. They’re thought to be scavengers that raid trash cans. Citations: Francis, Scott. Monster Spotter’s Guide to North America. United States, Adams Media, 2007.

  • C,  Lumberjack Folklore,  The United States


    The Come-At-A-Body is a creature from Lumberjack Folklore. They are known by the “scientific” name “Quadrupes improvisus.” They are harmless creatures resembling woodchucks, with short stubby limbs, flat faces, and large eyes. They also have green whiskers and a mark on their backs or stomachs resembling a dollar sign. They have very soft fur, but also have a ball of matted hair on their tails with holes in them that makes a loud moaning or whistling noise when it moves through the wind. They make this noise when attacking or looking for a mate. Some claim their legs are shorter on one side of their body to help them walk along…

  • C,  Lumberjack Folklore,  The United States

    Columbia River Sand Squink

    The Columbia River Sand Squink is from Lumberjack Folklore. They have the front half of a coyote and the back half of a bobcat with a spotted rear. They can produce an electrical discharge. They also lay plastic-like eggs to protect them from the electricity they produce. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016. Matthews, John, and Matthews, Caitlin. The Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures: The Ultimate A-Z of Fantastic Beings from Myth and Magic. United Kingdom, Harper Element, 2009. Rose, Carol. Giants Monsters and Dragons: An Encyclopedia Of Folklore Legend And Myth. United Kingdom, WW Norton, 2001.

  • Angola,  C,  Cryptids,  Water Lions

    Coje Ya Menia

    The Coje Ya Menia is a cryptid from Angola. They are aquatic creatures fitting the cryptozoological classification of Water Lion. They are slightly smaller than a hippopotamus and have large canine teeth, or tusks. They are nocturnal and move around in smaller amounts of water during the rainy season, while typically living in rivers and swamps. They can be identified by their loud, rumbling roars and their elephant-like footprints. They are known to kill hippos but not eat them. It has been suggested that they are surviving saber tooth tigers, giant monitor lizards, or some form of surviving dinosaur. Citations: Eberhart, George M.. Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology. United…

  • C,  Lumberjack Folklore,  Texas,  The United States

    Club-Tailed Glyptodont/Clubtailed Glyptodont

    The Club-Tailed Glyptodont is a strange creature from Lumberjack Folklore. Often found in Texas, they can be seen throwing large boulders up mountains to watch them roll back down. They have large flat tails made of a substance similar to a bull’s horns, but their tails are also incredibly springy. They use their tails to pick up the boulders they throw, to bounce through the air, and to cushion even the highest falls. When throwing a boulder into the air they stand on their back legs, spin around, and hit the boulder with their tail to launch it. Citations: Bratcher, James T.. Analytical Index to Publications of the Texas Folklore…

  • C,  Cryptids,  Hairy Hominids,  Siberia


    The Chuchunya is a hairy hominid from East Siberia. They stand 6-7 feet tall, have heavy builds, prominent brow ridges and are covered in dark hair. Some are sighted alone, while some are sighted in small groups. Sometimes they are described as wearing animal skin clothes. They are omnivores who eat berries, fish, and reindeer. Some believe that several Chuchunya were killed by the Russian military during their civil war. Citations: Newton, Michael. Encyclopedia of Cryptozoology: A Global Guide to Hidden Animals and Their Pursuers. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2014.

  • C,  Guatemala,  Hairy Hominids,  Mexico,  Yaqui


    The Chorti are mythical creatures from Mexico and Guatemala. They resemble hairy humanoids standing seven feet tall or larger, with arms and shoulders heavily packed with muscles. They have bowed legs and long ape-like arms with large claws at the end of their fingers for tearing bark off trees, cracking stones, and decapitating humans. Sometimes they’re described with backward facing feet by the Yaqui native americans. On occasion, they are viewed as nature spirits that guard forests, and other times just violent predatory creatures that kill humans to feed on their flesh and blood. They are known to leave footprints and claw marks on trees that have been seen and…

  • C,  Mapuche,  Vampires,  Witches


    The Chonchon are mythical creatures from the Mapuche people of Chile. They’re a vampiric form of witches with vulture-like heads and some believe it is an undead creature. Sometimes they take the form of birds with the head of a Kalku and they can shapeshift to appear as people with large ears. They’re a form of Wekufe, summoned by a Kalku and hunted by the Machi. They swoop down and knock people to the ground, ripping out their throats to feed on their blood. They can be driven away by warriors using weapons enchanted by a Machi, but can only be killed by Familiars of the Machi turned into snakes…

  • C,  Ghosts,  Navajo


    The Chindi is a form of ghost from Navajo myth. They are believed to be all the wickedness of a person leaving their body after death. They cause mischief and sickness for any of their living relatives. If proper rituals are performed the Chindi will blow away in the wind and fade into the night sky. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2006.

  • C,  Greece


    The Chimera is from Greek mythology and is the daughter of Typhon and Echidna. It caused havoc in Lycia and the surrounding area. It is thought to have had the front half of a lion, the back half of a dragon (or a full lion body with a snake, or three snakes, for a tail) and the head of a goat in the middle of the back. Some said it had the lion’s head, the body of a female goat, and a snake’s tail. Other iterations said it had a lion, goat, and dragon head. It began killing the moment it was born. It was raised by a king of Caria…