
  • Aliens,  California,  V

    Ventura Quilled Alien

    The Ventura Quilled Alien was sighted near Ventura California in October of 1996. It was sighted at night and encountered along with a green fireball flying from Mexico to Ventura. The creature was described as a four-foot-tall humanoid with an egg-shaped head, small nose, small circular mouth, thin fangs, multifaceted eyes reflecting red, a body covered in short hair with hyena-like spots and a grey coloration. It had porcupine quills from the head to the back and rabbit or kangaroo-like legs. It could easily outrun dogs, leap over a three-and-a-half-foot chicken wire fence, and a five-foot hedge. It left three toed tracks and was encountered near the San Andreas fault…

  • Aliens,  California,  S

    South River Sprinting Alien

    The South River Sprinting Alien became known 10 years after it was encountered. It was described in a letter from the witness dated November 2, 1973, and was sent to Dr. J. Allen Hynek who was the Chairman of the Department of Astronomy at Northwestern University. The letter was put aside due to countless sightings occurring and not addressed until April 1975. Ted Brocher with the assistance of Hynek and the Center for UFO Studies, contacted the witness for an interview. The witness had a degree in forestry and chose to remain anonymous. He crossed the South River and had his encounter at 11 pm. He was driving on South…

  • California,  Cryptids,  R

    Riverside Monster

    The Riverside Monster was sighted in 1958 at Riverside California near the Santa Ana River Bridge. The witness was going to cross the bridge before his car was attacked by a reptilian creature. He shook the creature from his car and ran it over. He drove off and reported the incident to the police. It has been sighted since, often closer to the riverbed, and leaves behind a green residue after attacking vehicles. Citations: Newman, Rich. Haunted Bridges: Over 300 of America’s Creepiest Crossings. United States, Llewellyn Worldwide, Limited, 2016.