
  • Algonquin,  Canada,  Cannibal Giants,  W


    The Wendigo is a creature from the Algonquin speaking Native American groups. They are created when a human resorts to cannibalism. They are found in various forms in Canada and the Northeastern United States. Some legends claim the Wendigo is an evil force present in all people waiting to be awoken. Cannibalism awakens this spirit giving them supernatural strength and ferocity. They are described as being twice as tall as a man with glowing eyes, sharp yellow teeth, and a lolling tongue. They have a muscular build covered in coarse hair. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for…

  • Canada,  Lumberjack Folklore,  S

    Snow Wasset/Snow Wassit

    The Snow Wasset is a creature from Lumberjack Folklore. They live in Canada and spend winter in the great lakes region and hibernate in the summer. During hibernation their hair turns green and curly, and they grow small legs to make burrows in cranberry bogs. They emerge from hibernation after the first snowfall and move through the snow like a porpoise. They hunt in packs to catch and consume grouse, rabbits, and when in desperate situations, wolves. They are known to have voracious appetites and are thought to be four times more dangerous than a wolverine. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United…