
  • Cryptids,  Hairy Hominids,  W,  Wisconsin

    Washington County Goat Man

    The Washington County Goat Man is a cryptid sighted in Washington County, Wisconsin, specifically in the town of Erin. The origin of this creature comes from the time of the Civil War. According to the story, a veteran was driving a covered wagon with his wife on Hogsback Road. An axle broke on the wagon and the man went to fix it while his wife waited inside for several hours. She heard growling and suspected a wolf or bear, and looked out to see a large upright creature covered in shaggy dark hair and with the head of a goat. She hid in the wagon until sunrise when she peeked…

  • Alabama,  Cherokee,  Cryptids,  E,  Georgia(state),  Kentucky,  North Carolina,  Pennsylvania,  South Carolina,  Tennessee,  Virginia,  W,  West Virginia,  Witches

    Wampus Cat/Ewah

    The Wampus Cat is a mysterious feline creature from the myths of the Cherokee. Sightings of this creature are from the Appalachian Mountains commonly West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Its name is sometimes thought to come from the term “cattywampus” since it means “not quite right” and it is known as the Ewah by the Cherokee. Often it is described as a bizarre cross between a woman and a mountain lion. Other times it resembles a hybrid of a large mountain lion, panther, cougar, and gray wolf. Commonly it has hypnotic glowing eyes along with huge fangs and is known to make…

  • Cryptids,  Mongolia,  S

    Shar Khorkhoi

    The Shar Khorkhoi is a rare cryptid similar to the Mongolian Death Worm. They have been sighted along the Tost Mountains of Mongolia. They were described as long yellow worms when several came out of holes in the ground. The witness ran away and looked back to see over 50 approaching.  Citation: Shuker, Karl. The Beasts That Hide from Man: Seeking the World’s Last Undiscovered Animals. United States, Paraview Press, 2014.

  • B,  Cryptids,  Indonesia

    Badak Tanggiling/Scaled Rhinoceros

    The Badak Tanggiling is a cryptid sighted in Sumatra, Indonesia. They are described as hoofed mammals similar to the rhinoceros, but with only one horn. They measure ten feet long, and the females are sometimes hornless. A Hunter named J.. C. Hazewinkel supposedly shot eight of these in the 1920s. Some theorize a Javan rhino with a single form may have persisted in Sumatra during this time, leading to these sightings. Currently, Sumatra only has one species of rhino which has two horns.  Citations: Eberhart, George M.. Mysterious Creatures [2 Volumes]: A Guide to Cryptozoology [2 Volumes]. Ukraine, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2002.

  • Cryptids,  L,  River Monsters,  Sudan


    The Lau is a rare cryptid from swamps at the source of the White Nile. The marshes thought to hold this creature are largely unexplored, adding credibility to the idea of an unknown species. They inhabit holes in the banks of the river or swamps, though mostly in the swamps. This creature is known to the Nuer, Dinka, and Shilluk people of Africa. The Nuer people would identify their presence by a long rut in the ground, and run away from it. It’s believed that if a Lau sees a group of people before they see it, then it is assumed that all of them will die. If a group…

  • Cryptids,  Indonesia,  V


    The Veo is a cryptid from Rintja Island between Flores and Komodo in Indonesia. It has been sighted by natives and is described as the size of a horse, at least 10 feet long. It has a long head, scaly back and flanks, fur underneath, and large claws. It’s thought to make a cry like “hoo hoo hoo” at sundown. It eats ants, termites, and beached shellfish.  If threatened it goes on its back legs and strikes with front claws, but is normally docile. Reports from natives gathered by traveler Pierre Pfeiffer. They live in hills and mountains during the day and go to mangroves at night. Descriptions match that…

  • Alaska,  Cryptids,  Hairy Hominids,  U


    The Urayuli is a cryptid from Southwest Alaska near Lake Iliamna. Its name means “hairy man.” They’re hairy hominids with long reddish-brown shaggy hair, glowing eyes, no neck, and long arms reaching to their ankles. They stand 6-10 feet tall, weigh 750 pounds, and have ape-like facial features. They are thought to eat fish, frogs, and even dogs. They are often blamed for trashing camps and stealing food but are generally peaceful. They make high pitched cries sounding like a loon. They’re thought to take children and turn them into Urayuli, but not hurt them. Citations: Cabre, Mel, and Mart, T. S.. The Legend of Bigfoot: Leaving His Mark on…

  • Cryptids,  Nebraska,  Sioux,  South Dakota,  T,  Wyoming

    Thunder Horse/Thunder Beasts

    The Thunder Horse is a mythical creature from the Oglala Sioux people of Nebraska, Wyoming, and South Dakota. They are huge terrifying creatures that leap from the sky to the ground during storms. It’s thought the hoofbeats were the origin of thunder. They drove buffalo towards the Sioux and vanished into the earth when the storm ended. They were also thought to belong to the deity Wakan Tanka. In 1875 bones were produced and studied. They were classified as Brontotherium by Dr. Othniel C. Marsh, this name meaning “Thunder Beasts.” These are the most famous members of the extinct class of animals Titanotheres. Citations: D’Aoust, Gerald, and Breese, Daryl. God’s…

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  • Cryptids,  S

    Sucuriju/Sucuriju Gigante

    The Sucuriju is a cryptid from the jungles of South America. Its name means “giant anaconda” or “giant boa.” It’s described as a massive green anaconda measuring between 45-130 feet in length. It’s described as dark brown in color with black rings and oval spots along its body. Several supposed pictures of Sucuriju eating bulls have appeared, though none have been confirmed. Colonel Percy Fawcett supposedly encountered one that was estimated to be 62-feet-long and 1 foot in diameter. Citations: Emmer, Rick. The Giant Anaconda and Other Cryptids: Fact Or Fiction?. United States, Facts On File, Incorporated, 2010. Storm, Rory. Monster Hunt: The Guide to Cryptozoology. United States, Sterling Publishing…

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  • Cryptids,  Florida,  Lazarus Taxon,  S


    Specs is a cryptid and possible Lazarus taxon. It was sighted in Florida in 1959. It was seen in a large underwater cave at about 35 feet deep. It was reported to have a cylindrical body measuring five and a half feet long, eight spiny legs, and stood three feet off the sea floor. It had a pointed head with stalks that have brown spotted eyes the size of silver dollars on the end. It was called Specs by the press due to a team going back to try to get ‘specs’ on the creature. It has been compared to the Spiny Lobster, or the Japanese Spider Crab, both being…