
  • Demonic,  Dragons,  Hebrew,  L


    The Leviathan is from the Hebrew people and is mentioned in the Bible. She was created by God on the fifth day of creation. In medieval times she was seen as a demon of envy and faith, or an arch-demon. She was sometimes seen as a symbol of chaos or as a fallen Seraphim. Her name means “the crooked serpent” or “whale.” She was three hundred miles long with eyes glowing like small suns. She hunted and ate a whale every day. Her breath was foul enough to kill and she could expel heat from her mouth that would instantly boil the water. She feared a sea worm called Kilbit…

  • Deities,  Demonic,  L,  Mesopotamia,  Sumerian,  Vampires


    Lamashtu is a figure from Sumerian and Mesopotamian myth. She is depicted as a woman with a hairy body, the head of a lion or bird, the ears and teeth of a donkey, large wings, and eagle talons for fingers. She was often shown riding a donkey carrying a two headed snake in each hand. At one time, she was seen as a vampiric and demonic goddess. She was believed to nurse dogs and pigs, cause crops to fail, dry up rivers, cause miscarriages, and steal children to nurse them with poison. She would also strike down men at random, cause fatal diseases, and inflict nightmares. People could be defended…

  • Bulgaria,  Demonic,  K,  Undead,  Vampires


    The Krvopijac is a vampiric creature from Bulgaria. They are created when someone smokes or drinks during Lent. Sometimes these people transform immediately, but sometimes they transform after death, the process taking forty days to occur as an insult to numerology from the devil. Their skeletons are thought to melt and then reform into new forms of a much stronger material. They have pale rotting flesh, rotting teeth, sunken eyes, and smell strongly of rotten meat. They have forked tongues and only one nostril. They are incredibly strong and can only be combatted by fire. Their graves can be found by having a naked virgin ride a black foal through…

  • Demonic,  Hairy Hominids,  K,  Malaysia

    Kakli Besar

    The Kakli Besar is a monstrous creature from Johor, Malaysia. They are described as evil hairy hominids standing nine feet tall. They have eighteen inch long feet with four toes, and large claws that can slice through bone like they are flesh. Many believe they were created by evil forces specifically to attack humans. They often attack humans and have also been known to kill livestock. They can be repelled by smoke, fire, and the sound of metal hitting together. There was a large hunt for these creatures in 1995. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us.…

  • Demonic,  I,  K,  Lamba,  Spirits,  Zambia


    The Ichiwanda comes from the Lamba people of Zambia, formerly Rhodesia. They are sometimes described as demons, but this is largely an inaccurate term because they can be benevolent under certain circumstances. They can cause madness to those they take possession of, may cause a lingering ulcer, and they are also commonly associated with leprosy. They can also be responsible for accidents of carelessness. There is a similar creature called a Umusako. It’s also believed everyone has an “Attendant Ichiwanda” functioning much like a guardian angel, protecting them from things like wild animals, but they may also punish a person for their misdeeds. Sometimes they reveal the breaking of taboos,…

  • Demonic,  Ghosts,  H,  Malaysia,  Spirits


    Hantu is a term used when referring to creatures from Malaysian myths. Hantu is often translated as “ghost” “demon” or “spirit.” They live in a place called Pulau Hantu, roughly meaning “ghost island.” They can generally be split into three classifications these being minor, medium, and greater. They’re nocturnal spirits and typically represent smaller dangers, preying on mankind. It’s believed there is a Hantu for every evil. They can bring disease, and insanity, and may possess people or herald Iblis. They are often invisible and can only be heard rather than seen. Each Hantu has specific strengths and weaknesses, and what these are can vary from town to town or…

  • Demonic,  E,  Ghosts,  Russia,  Witches


    The Eretiku is a creature from Russian mythology. This creature is seen as the female version of Erestun. They are thought to be deliberate blasphemers who practice black magic or women who sold their souls to the devil and return from the grave. They take the form of old women and seek out others of their kind to form covens. It can induce a sickness that causes the life force and sanity to begin wasting away, simply by staring into someone’s eyes. If they’re not strong enough to physically manifest, they take the form of a ghost that can manipulate physical objects. In this form, they rise from the graves…

  • Akkadian,  Demonic,  R,  Spirits,  Vampires


    The Rabisu are vampiric spirits from ancient Akkadian myth. Their name means “evil fiend” or “evil croucher.” They’re ambush predators that stalk from the shadows and lunge at unsuspecting humans to drain their life force. They are known to cooperate amongst each other and even with other creatures like Labartu. They often appear in nightmares and hide out in rarely visited places. Rabisu would often be a term placed before various forms of demons, and at one time a Rabisu was a high official just under a judge much like a magistrate, with the name changing context due to the fear of the power these people held. People who can…

  • Demonic,  K,  Spirits,  Zanzibar

    Ka Dinga Pepo/Ka Denga Pepo/Ka-Dinga Pepo/Kadinga Pepo

    Ka Dinga Pepo is a phenomenon from Zanzibar. The term is Swahili with “ka” meaning ‘a form of,’ “Dinga” meaning a cramp-like seizure, and “Pepo” referring to an evil spirit or plague. The term refers to a spiritual attack causing sickness. The term was also for the origin of the name for ‘dengue fever’ in 1800. Citations: Africanderisms: A Glossary of South African Colloquial Words and Phrases and of Place and Other Names. United Kingdom, Longmans, Green and Company, 1913. Dobson, Mary. Murderous Contagion: A Human History of Disease. United Kingdom, Hachette Book Group, 2015. Fabes, Stephen. Signs of Life: A Doctor’s Journey to the Ends Of The Earth. United…

  • Demonic,  G,  Haida


    The Ga-Git is a demonic creature from the Haida Native Americans. They are formed when a man survives a canoe wreck and then swims back to shore. They then go off into the woods and live off berries, moss, and roots. They remove their clothes and gain super strength and the ability to fly, after which they fully transform. They have a human body with black fur, and taloned hands and feet. They continuously make a rumbling growl, attack anyone they see while hunting at night, and constantly smell like rotting meat. They can breathe on a person’s face to make them quickly undertake the same transformation. They can shape…