
  • Cryptids,  Dinosaurs,  K

    Kasai Rex

    The Kasai Rex is a cryptid from Africa. It’s a bipedal predator similar to a tyrannosaurus. It has a black hide with red stripes and has supposedly been seen killing rhinos and hippos. There have been news stories in relation to this creature, but it is generally regarded as a hoax. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan, and Kramer, David F.. They Bite. United States, Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2009.

  • Cryptids,  Dinosaurs,  M,  Republic of the Congo


    The Mokele-Mbembe is a cryptid fromthe Republic of the Congo. It can supposedly be found in the Likouala Swamp and Lake Tele. Its name translates to “one who stops the flow of rivers” referring to its massive size. It’s believed to be an herbivore that attacks anything that enters its territory. It’s thought to especially dislike hippos and kills them on sight. Its diet is thought to largely be the Malombo plant which refers to Landolphila mannii or Landolphia owariensis. It’s thought to be between a hippo and an elephant in size with a thick rounded body, four thick legs, a long tail like a crocodile, a long tapering neck,…

  • Cryptids,  Dinosaurs,  Gabon,  J


    The Jago-Nini is a cryptid from Gabon. It strongly resembling a dinosaur, and is thought to be similar to the Mokele-Mbembe. They are believed to be amphibious creatures living in swamps and rivers. It’s name may come from the Punu or Sira language, and may possibly mean “great diver.” It attacks and consumes humans and West African manatees. Citations: Eberhart, George M.. Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology. United Kingdom, ABC-CLIO, 2002.