• China,  F


    Fung is one of the Lwan from Chinese myth. These birds resemble large, graceful pheasants, which have different names based on their changing colors. This form is the red version, and goes alongside the Yin Chu, Hwa Yih, To Fu, and Yu Siang. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016.

  • Dragons,  F,  Norse


    Fafnir is a mythological figure from Norse mythology. He was a Dwarf or Jotunn and one of the sons of Hreidmar the magician. He desired his father’s magic ring Advarinaut, which could magically produce treasure. Eventually, he became so corrupted by his desire that he killed his father for the ring. He gained a great pile of treasure and turned into a dragon to protect it, though the corruption of his greed forced him to remain in that form. Fafnirs brother Regin also desired the ring but waited too long to act on his greed. To get the ring from his brother, he sent his foster son, the hero Sigurd,…

  • A,  C,  D,  Demonic,  F,  H,  Monster Hunters,  Slavic,  V,  W,  Z

    Zduhać/Aloviti/Vjedogonja/Wind Chasers/Cloud Chaser/Hail Defender/Fairy Man/Dragon Man

    The Zduhać are mythical figures from Slavic myth. They are described as people capable of protecting people, homes, and entire villages from rain and hail. They are often thought of as mythical creatures, like dragons or fairies, but in human form. Sometimes they were seen as prophets and connected to angels and saints. They are generally seen as heroic figures that look entirely human, though often melancholic, thoughtful, strong, resourceful, and resilient. A Zduhać could be detected from birth if they were born with the caul still on their head, and they would also often have an affinity to crows. Some believed however that a Zduhać could only be born…

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  • Dragons,  F,  France,  P,  S

    Peluda/La Velue/Shaggy Beast/The Shaggy Beast Of La Ferte-Bernard/Peallaidh/Pehuda

    The Peluda is a large dragon thought to have lived near the Huisine River in the village of La Ferte-Bernard, France. This creature was spoken of in Medieval times, and it was thought that it refused a ride on Noah’s ark but still survived the great flood. It was thought to have had four stubby legs, quills covering its back, a scaly tail, shaggy green fur, turtle claws, and the ability to breath fire. It was so large that it flooded nearby farms when it entered the river. One day, it ate a young maiden, whose fiancé sought out a wise woman to find the creature’s weakness. He was told…

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  • F,  Iceland,  Undead


    The Fyglia is a form of undead from Iceland. They’re flesh eating creatures whose name means “following spirit.” They climb roofs and kick off shingles when searching for prey. To kill a Fyglia, it must be captured, decapitated, and reburied with the head placed under the body. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2017.

  • F,  Lumberjack Folklore,  The United States


    The Fog-Hog is a creature from Lumberjack Folklore. It is known by the “scientific name” Purcusnebulus vancerandolphi. They are believed to inhabit Star Lake in Wisconsin. When the fog gets dense enough for fish to swim through it like water, the Fog-Hog follows to prey on them. They only eat fish and have a ravenous appetite. People who live in this area have to close their windows to keep the fish from swimming into their houses to keep the Fog-Hog from entering. Citations: Yarns of the Big Woods, Written and Illustrated by Art Childs

  • Denmark,  F,  H,  Trolls,  U


    The Foddenskkmaend are trolls of the Faroe Islands. They are believed to kidnap humans and take them to their underground lairs. Citations: Conway, D.J.. Ancient Art of Faery Magick. United States, Clarkson Potter/Ten Speed, 2005. Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016. Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Fairies in World Folklore and Mythology. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2013. Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Giants and Humanoids in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016. Keightley, Thomas. The Fairy Mythology: Illustrative of the Romance and Superstition of Various Countries. United Kingdom, H.G. Bohn, 1850.

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  • Dragons,  F,  Norse


    The Flugdreki is a form of dragon from Norse myth. Its name translates to “flying serpent” and is separate from the Dreki and Ormr. They have been known to attack those out at sea and can often be killed like any other creature. Citations: Fee, Christopher R.. Mythology in the Middle Ages: Heroic Tales of Monsters, Magic, and Might. United States, Praeger, 2011. Vídalín, Arngrímur. The Supernatural in Íslendingasögur. Iceland, Tower Press, 2012.

  • F,  Lumberjack Folklore,  The United States


    Flittericks are small creatures that come from Lumberjack Folklore. They are believed to be an odd form of flying squirrel. They are noted for being able to move so fast they’re impossible to avoid. They can hit hard enough to kill another creature, but also kill themselves in the process. Citations: The American People: Stories, Legends, Tales, Traditions and Songs. United Kingdom, Taylor & Francis, 2020. Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United States, McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers, 2016. Matthews, John, and Matthews, Caitlin. The Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures: The Ultimate A-Z of Fantastic Beings from Myth and Magic. United Kingdom, Harper Element, 2009.…

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  • F,  Lumberjack Folklore,  The United States


    The Fish-Fox is a silly creature from Lumberjack Folklore. It has the “scientific name” Piscivulpus coertduboisia. They can be commanded like dogs. They dive into the water and make sounds like an angleworm. They then return to the shore, causing the fish to follow it back onto land, leaving themselves completely vulnerable to anyone to kill. Citations: Yarns of the Big Woods, Written and Illustrated by Art Childs