
  • Familiar,  Indonesia,  Malaysia,  T,  Undead


    The Tuyul are mythical creatures from Indonesian and Malaysian folklore. They are sometimes believed to be the spirits of aborted children. They’re described as child-like and require pampering to make them loyal. They especially like candy and can be controlled with this. They can be bought from a shaman or taken from their resting place. They’re very popular as they don’t require human sacrifices. People may adopt Tuyul to gain wealth, having the creature steal money from others, though they cannot steal money that is tied up. Sometimes Tuyul need to be specifically led to a location they are meant to steal from so they don’t get lost. If the…

  • Familiar,  I,  Seducers,  South Africa,  Vampires


    The Impundulu is a strange creature from the myths of South Africa. There are known to be several different variations of the Impundulu. They are often thought to be familiars belonging to witches that are then passed down through the generations. However while they commonly serve witches, it is unclear if they do so willingly, or are forced to do so with magic binding. They most commonly target the enemies of those in charge of them. They survive by draining the blood from livestock. If the Imundulus boss is angry enough at someone then the Impundulu may kill them and their entire families and their livestock completely unprompted. Sometimes they…

  • B,  Familiar,  Malaysia,  Vampires


    The Bajang is a vampiric creature from Malaysia. It can be summoned by a sorcerer using the body of a stillborn baby taken from their family. Some claim it to be the male counterpart to a creature called the Langsuir. They can sometimes be bound as a Familiar and contained in a container known as a Tabong, sealed with leaves and a magical charm. If not fed milk and eggs by its owner, it will seek children to consume. It can take the shape of a cat, polecat, or large lizard. If it takes the form of a cat and meows like a baby then that baby is destined to…