
  • Alabama,  Cherokee,  Cryptids,  E,  Georgia(state),  Kentucky,  North Carolina,  Pennsylvania,  South Carolina,  Tennessee,  Virginia,  W,  West Virginia,  Witches

    Wampus Cat/Ewah

    The Wampus Cat is a mysterious feline creature from the myths of the Cherokee. Sightings of this creature are from the Appalachian Mountains commonly West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Its name is sometimes thought to come from the term “cattywampus” since it means “not quite right” and it is known as the Ewah by the Cherokee. Often it is described as a bizarre cross between a woman and a mountain lion. Other times it resembles a hybrid of a large mountain lion, panther, cougar, and gray wolf. Commonly it has hypnotic glowing eyes along with huge fangs and is known to make…

  • Cryptids,  G,  Georgia(state),  Hairy Hominids,  K

    Kinchafoonee Creep/Grey Ghost Of Kinchafoonee

    As this creature was only sighted once and wasn’t popularized, I have been unable to find a definite name but the names “Kinchafoonee Creep” and “Grey Ghost Of Kinchafoonee” have been used. This creature was sighted in July of 1955, by a 22 year old man by the name of Joseph Whaley. He was working in the Forestry Commission, clearing brush that was obscuring highway signs with a scythe near Kinchafoonee Creek. He heard a strange noise coming from a thicket and walked to the edge of the woods to investigate. He heard the bushes rattling and went to look in them. Suddenly a large animal emerged, which he described…

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  • C,  Cryptids,  Florida,  Georgia(state),  Lazarus Taxon,  South Carolina

    Carolina Parakeet

    The Carolina Parakeet is a cryptid classified as a Lazarus Taxon (an animal believed to be extinct but then found alive again). The Carolina Parakeet was first described in 1891 and goes by the scientific name Conuropsis carolinensis. It’s a small bird with green plumage that has sections of yellow and orange. It is the only bird in the parakeet family native to North America and could be found in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Due to their tendency to eat fruit, many were killed en mass by farmers. This along with them being sold as pets, or used as decorations for women’s hats, led to their extinction. The last…