
  • Giants,  Hairy Hominids,  Mohawk,  The United States,  W


    The Weetuck were giant monsters from the Mohawk Native Americans. They’re thought to have been as tall as a pine tree and capable of wading into rivers 12-14 feet deep, catching multiple sturgeon at once. They hunted bears for sport by hitting them with large tree branches. They are thought to have lived ten generations or several centuries ago. Despite their ferocity, they were seen as peaceful to humans and could be placated with offerings of meat. Some think the legend can be related to the discovery of bones belonging to wooly mammoths, and there were bones found in Claverack, New York that were thought to belong to the Weetuck.…

  • Deities,  Giants,  Lakota,  W


    Waziya is a mythical giant from Lakota mythology. He dresses in heavy furs and is known to blow the north winds and bring snow. He goes south during the Winter and North during the Summer. He constantly fights the South Winds and guards the Aurora Borealis. He is responsible for making snow and ice and was associated with Santa upon interacting with Christianity. Citations: Gill, Sam D., and Sullivan, Irene F.. Dictionary of Native American Mythology. United Kingdom, Oxford University Press, 1994.

  • Giants,  Romania,  Russia,  U


    The Urias were a race of giants and were considered the first to inhabit the earth in Romania and Russia. They lived in peace with humans at first but eventually began to cause war and destruction. They were often connected to Nephilim. They were killed by the biblical flood. Urias burial mounds contain riches. These graves can be found on Christmas Eve, Easter, or Saint Georges Day, at which time a magic fire burns above them. Citations: McElroy, D.R.. Superstitions: A Handbook of Folklore, Myths, and Legends from Around the World. United States, Book Sales, 2020. World Mythology Lite. N.P., Frederick Holiday.