Hairy Hominids

  • Giants,  Hairy Hominids,  Mohawk,  The United States,  W


    The Weetuck were giant monsters from the Mohawk Native Americans. They’re thought to have been as tall as a pine tree and capable of wading into rivers 12-14 feet deep, catching multiple sturgeon at once. They hunted bears for sport by hitting them with large tree branches. They are thought to have lived ten generations or several centuries ago. Despite their ferocity, they were seen as peaceful to humans and could be placated with offerings of meat. Some think the legend can be related to the discovery of bones belonging to wooly mammoths, and there were bones found in Claverack, New York that were thought to belong to the Weetuck.…

  • Alaska,  Cryptids,  Hairy Hominids,  U


    The Urayuli is a cryptid from Southwest Alaska near Lake Iliamna. Its name means “hairy man.” They’re hairy hominids with long reddish-brown shaggy hair, glowing eyes, no neck, and long arms reaching to their ankles. They stand 6-10 feet tall, weigh 750 pounds, and have ape-like facial features. They are thought to eat fish, frogs, and even dogs. They are often blamed for trashing camps and stealing food but are generally peaceful. They make high pitched cries sounding like a loon. They’re thought to take children and turn them into Urayuli, but not hurt them. Citations: Cabre, Mel, and Mart, T. S.. The Legend of Bigfoot: Leaving His Mark on…

  • Choctaw,  Hairy Hominids,  S,  The United States


    The Shampe are from Choctaw myth. They are massive hairy wildmen with incredibly good senses. Their vision is like that of an eagle. They can smell blood from miles away and will relentlessly stalk anyone who is injured or who has freshly killed game. They are sometimes described as having coarse hair, but sometimes described as hairless. They have hiding places and only emerge from them to consume human flesh. They are weakened and made sick by sunlight, so they only hunt at night. They are relentless in hunting prey once they’ve set their sights on something. They are virtually indestructible aside from their weakness to the sun. The best…

  • Aliens,  Dominican Republic,  Hairy Hominids,  P

    Punta Cana Glowing Gorilla Alien

    The Punta Cana Glowing Gorilla Alien was sighted in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic November 15, 2012. The witness was a 76 year old woman lying on her bed alongside her grandson. She felt something lightly strike her above the left eye. She opened her eyes and saw with her right eye something like a computer card connected to several wires. She stood up and saw a figure resembling a gorilla wearing a white robe similar to a poncho. The being emitted beams of light that penetrated out of the room. The witness was too stunned to scream and it slowly faded out of existence. No one else saw the creature…

  • Cryptids,  Hairy Hominids,  N,  Republic of the Congo


    The Ndesu is a cryptid reported from the Republic of the Congo. They’re described as giant hominids covered in dark hair with some lighter tufts mixed in. They prey on human, especially women and children, and have been known to attack both solitary travelers and entire caravans. They are thought to love music and dancing, and can be distracted by playing music. Citations: Eberhart, George M.. Mysterious Creatures [2 Volumes]: A Guide to Cryptozoology [2 Volumes]. Ukraine, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2002.

  • Austria,  Bavaria,  Christmas,  Hairy Hominids,  Hungary,  K,  Switzerland


    Krampus is a monster and folklore figure from countries such as Austria, Bavaria, Hungary, and Switzerland. His name means “claw” and he is thought to accompany Santa Claus. In Austria he is seen as Santa’s evil twin and appears on December 5. He is often depicted as a seven-foot-tall hairy humanoid with dark skin, a goat-like head, a long tail, curling horns, and a long hanging tongue. He carries a birch switch and threatens to beat bad children with it. He is thought to attack and give nightmares to naughty children on the orders of Santa Claus. In Austria, he leaves birch brooms in the houses of naughty children, and…

  • Cryptids,  G,  Georgia(state),  Hairy Hominids,  K

    Kinchafoonee Creep/Grey Ghost Of Kinchafoonee

    As this creature was only sighted once and wasn’t popularized, I have been unable to find a definite name but the names “Kinchafoonee Creep” and “Grey Ghost Of Kinchafoonee” have been used. This creature was sighted in July of 1955, by a 22 year old man by the name of Joseph Whaley. He was working in the Forestry Commission, clearing brush that was obscuring highway signs with a scythe near Kinchafoonee Creek. He heard a strange noise coming from a thicket and walked to the edge of the woods to investigate. He heard the bushes rattling and went to look in them. Suddenly a large animal emerged, which he described…

  • Demonic,  Hairy Hominids,  K,  Malaysia

    Kakli Besar

    The Kakli Besar is a monstrous creature from Johor, Malaysia. They are described as evil hairy hominids standing nine feet tall. They have eighteen inch long feet with four toes, and large claws that can slice through bone like they are flesh. Many believe they were created by evil forces specifically to attack humans. They often attack humans and have also been known to kill livestock. They can be repelled by smoke, fire, and the sound of metal hitting together. There was a large hunt for these creatures in 1995. Citations: Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us.…

  • Australia,  G,  Hairy Hominids


    The Garkain is from Australian Aboriginal Myth. They are hairy, man-sized bat hominids with massive black wings and sharp teeth. They have been more recently described as humanoid bats with canine heads. They roost in trees and wait for traveling people to pass underneath who they then eat. They have a stench strong enough to make someone pass out. They live in inaccessible areas like caves but go to forests and swamps to hunt. Some of these creatures are believed to live around the area of the Liverpool River. They can be killed with normal weapons. Citations: Bane, Theresa. Encyclopedia of Beasts and Monsters in Myth, Legend and Folklore. United…

  • Argentina,  D,  Hairy Hominids

    El Dientudo

    El Dientudo are monstrous creatures from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Its name translates to “big teeth.” They are described as forest dwelling humanoid creatures covered in thick, dark hair. They stand at seven feet tall, smell like rotten meat, and are often described as a cross between man and bear. They are sighted relatively often, known to drag people off into the woods, break bones, and are thought to eat the people they kill.. Citations: Eberhart, George M.. Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology. United Kingdom, ABC-CLIO, 2002. Maberry, Jonathan. Vampire Universe: The Dark World of Supernatural Beings That Haunt Us, Hunt Us, and Hunger for Us. United States, Kensington Publishing…