Zombies are supernatural creatures from the myths of Haitian Voodoo, and the African Vodun religion. Corpses are turned into Zombies by mystic people called Houngans or Mambos. They use powerful magic or herbal chemistry to call the power of Loa who can raise the dead. Modern scientists believe the Zombie is a living human whose mind has been altered by herbs or chemicals. By affecting the consciousness, the person can become highly suggestible and numb to pain. Zombies are often created by dark magic users called Bokor who instruct them to work. These Zombies are immune to injury, pain, and extreme temperatures. These creatures have no conscious will, being in…
The Loogaroo is a mythical creature from Haiti. They appear as hags and remove their skin to take the form of glowing sulfurous fireballs to hunt during the night. They’re thought to remove their skin under a “devil tree” and hang that skin in the branches. They seek out houses with open windows and sneak in. These monsters are created when a witch makes a deal with the devil where in exchange for power, they bring the devil human flesh every night. Attacks are nearly always deadly but can be stopped by placing a large amount of small things, like rice or seeds, at windows or doors forcing them to…