A Demon is a form of dark spirit. The term means “replete with wisdom” and comes from the Greek word Daimon. Some cultures had demonic figures that were not necessarily evil, such as Egypt. Demons at large are well documented in ancient Middle Eastern cultures and it is thought that Hebrews absorbed some knowledge of Demons from Mesopotamia. Sometimes Demons are believed to have been spawned by Lillith, who was to be the first wife of Adam in Jewish beliefs. Christianisation often describes all pagan gods and spirits as demons despite their attributes. The idea is that they are disguises meant to trick humans into worshiping someone other than God.…
The Striga are powerful shapeshifting witches from Hebrew and Roman myth. Its name comes from the Italian word “strega” meaning “witch” which also serves as the root word to many other mythical creatures. They resemble old women, and it is unclear whether they are living creatures or undead. They can transform into birds like magpies and crows, but often take the form of owls which they are commonly represented as. They are thought to be intelligent and very strong, and they drain the blood of children. When children are attacked by the Striga, they are either drained of blood or cursed to waste away and die. It’s thought they cannot…
The Leviathan is from the Hebrew people and is mentioned in the Bible. She was created by God on the fifth day of creation. In medieval times she was seen as a demon of envy and faith, or an arch-demon. She was sometimes seen as a symbol of chaos or as a fallen Seraphim. Her name means “the crooked serpent” or “whale.” She was three hundred miles long with eyes glowing like small suns. She hunted and ate a whale every day. Her breath was foul enough to kill and she could expel heat from her mouth that would instantly boil the water. She feared a sea worm called Kilbit…
The Estrie is a dangerous monster from Hebrew belief. They are thought to be shapeshifters who have been known to take the form of dogs, cats, insects, or snakes. Along with these animal forms, it could take the form of a human, or even specific individuals if it helped them to lure in its prey. They specifically feed on the blood of children and lure them to isolated locations. Once alone, the Estrie reveals their true face and consume their victims. It is believed none have ever seen the face of an Estrie and lived to tell of it. The Estrie may unintentionally lead to the execution of an innocent…