
  • Cannibal Giants,  Choctaw,  Louisiana,  R,  Shapeshifters,  Therianthrope,  Werewolves


    The Rougarou is a creature that was thought to be a combination of the French Loup Garou and the Algonquin Wendigo. Various Louisiana Native American tribes believed the Attakapa to be a tribe of shapeshifting cannibals. Attakapa even means “man eater” in Choctaw. The story goes that after a difficult period of war, the starving Attakapas gained the ability to shapeshift from dark spirits who possessed them. After being possessed, they would hunt humans as their prey. During the summer they would take human form and live normal lives, only taking constant animal forms during the winter when food was more scarce. Particularly cruel Rougarou however would take animal form…

  • Aliens,  D,  Louisiana

    Devil’s Swamp Aliens

    The Devil’s Swamp Aliens were sighted in Devil’s Swamp Louisiana on June 8, 2000, at 6:30 a.m. The witness was a 41 year old man named Roger Mixon. He was hunting and came across a dark purple object, presumably a ship, the size of an eighteen-wheeler shaped like a bat wing. This bizarre spaceship had a drawbridge-like door coming from it. Three creatures were trying to catch an alligator nearby. They seemed to be wearing golden crowns and had human faces, lion teeth, long hair, four wings, scorpion tails, and chest armor resembling cast iron. The witness fired at these creatures with a shotgun and hit one in the chest.…